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Google Experience Launcher APK Download [Nexus 5 Launcher]

Discussion in 'Consoles and Homebrew' started by InsaneNutter, Nov 1, 2013.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England
    Here is a rip of the Google Experience Launcher from the Nexus 5 released yesterday.
    It should work on any Android Phone running Jellybean 4.2 or later, possibly even 4.1, however that is untested.
    The Google Experience Launcher includes all the wallpapers from the Nexus 5, however i have included them as a separate download too.

    Download Google Experince Launcher

    Download Nexus 5 Wallpapers

    Unzip, and copy the APK's to your phone.
    Install as you would any other app:

    1. Install Velvet.apk
    2. Install PrebuiltGmsCore.apk
    3. Install GoogleHome.apk

    Enjoy the new Google Experience Launcher

    Screenshots from my Galaxy Nexus running Cyanogenmod 10.1.3:

    google-experience-launcher-galaxy-nexus-1.png google-experience-launcher-galaxy-nexus-2.png

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