Hack a 250gb, 320gb or 500gb Sata harddrive to work in the Xbox 360 and Xbox 360 Slim

Discussion in 'Xbox 360 Guides' started by InsaneNutter, Dec 8, 2009.

  1. theycallmeshua

    theycallmeshua New Member

    May 25, 2014
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    i switched to IDE while Flashing. im not sure what else to change.
    i also tried on my laptop but it wouldnt run HDDHACKR for what ever reason (i think its because of the linux dual boot removing the windows bootloader)
  2. Rick

    Rick Moderator

    Jul 14, 2010
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    The Matrix
    It could be your computer flashing it wrong(try a different pc if you have access to one)or it's the hard drive. Maybe return the drive and see if you can get a different hdd.
  3. XboxSlimHDD

    XboxSlimHDD New Member

    Apr 29, 2014
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  4. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    It will be a bit tricky to do, however you can just slide it in to the Slims drive bay as show in the photos on the first page.

    You could also buy an enclosure for the drive if you want to make your life easier.
  5. xxxdeeceexxx

    xxxdeeceexxx New Member

    May 22, 2014
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    theycallmeshua It just don't work man. Ive tried several times. I just went out and bought another (wd black) hdd and it worked perfect. I assume you have flashed drives before on your current set up?

    That being said. It seems to work up until you try hooking it up to a pc or an xbox ......xbox says nothing there .... pc (Xplorer360Extreme2) says no fatx hdd to open.

    When you go to return/restore the hdd to the original hddhackr recognizes it as if it were a hitachi drive (like it should) in the menu where you choose which drive to flash but it wont work anywhere else. I have flashed many drives now and this is the first model I have had issues with.
  6. tryHarder

    tryHarder New Member

    Jun 4, 2014
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    Do you know what part of hddhackr formats the drive into FATX? I assumed it's the 'Create Partitions' feature, but I may have been wrong. I followed Harcroft's guide on how to flash a hddss.bin in Windows, because I'm using a Hitachi 320GB to experiment with. So far I can't get the drive recognizable to the Xbox 360, but the reason appears that it never gets formatted into FATX when I use the 'Create Partitions' command in hddhackr. The drive seems to be taking on the new hddss.bin just fine, which I verify with a hex editor (hex workshop). I've used both versions 1.3 and 1.4 of hddhackr. Any suggestions on how to get this Hitachi drive to work?

    I'm currently taking an image backup in xplorer360 extreme2 of my normal 320GB drive from Microsoft. I will then try to put that image on the Hitachi drive after making sure it has the correct hddss.bin successfully loaded.
  7. Rick

    Rick Moderator

    Jul 14, 2010
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    The Matrix
    That guide will work for some hard drives. I'm unsure of which ones would work.
  8. FumbleThumbs

    FumbleThumbs Member

    Jun 8, 2014
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    Hi all,
    Might have already been covered somewhere, but this seems to be the right place..

    Had old 20gb hdd fail (no content was readable, so no backups of any kind)
    Replaced with WD2500BEKT-75VMT0
    Followed instructions in this thread.
    Success when installed new HDD in laptop with HDDhackr and usb boot loader.
    Didn't touch the original xbox emulator partition. (since I didn't have old backups didn't restore or D/L).
    Reinstalled 250gb HDD into 360 enclosure.
    Turned on: 360 wanted to format the drive. Did so.
    Fully functional and error free for the last three months. THANKS TO EVERYONE THAT MADE THIS TUTORIAL AND UPGRADE POSSIBLE!

    PROBLEM: I have a couple of original xbox games that won't play (including physical discs and downloads that ARE listed as compatible)
    System always tells me that the game cannot start and should try to re-download content. Doesn't make sense since it's physical disc.
    Used xex format cdr (software made by MS for 360's that couldn't update online) in 360 to allow it to play original games, system said it was updated.
    Restarted, no play of original xbox disc game or downloaded original xbox game. Same error
    Tried erasing latest system update with LB RB x LB RB x in system memory. Erased and re-downloaded system update.
    Restart. Still no play of original xbox disc or downloaded original xbox game. Same error.

    I know that I need to fix the Emulator Partition of the new 250gb drive, but without a transfer cable and only having one laptop how can I do this?
    I have a SATA & IDE usb adapter but my laptop will not recognize it and Xplorer360 250gb says no FATx drive found. (tried running as admin, waiting 30 min for drive to show up, disabled UAC, etc.)

    Should I backup the content of the drive and restore through HDDhackr from scratch? Can I even fix the partition with only one internal SATA connection in my laptop? Can I start windows with a disc and have the 360 HDD in my laptop to fix the partition with Xplorer 250?

    Please advise, and THANK YOU to EVERYONE in advance!

    *update: had to format 360hdd in the Xbox, connected to Windows xp machine with sata to usb cable, ran program as admin in compatibility mode for win 2000, xplorer extreme 2 only recognized the drive once out fifteen tries (don't know why it was so inconsistent-kept saying no fatx drive) When the hdd was recognized by xplorer and I tried to put the partition 2 bin on the drive nothing happened for twenty minutes and I cancelled the operation.
    Used hdd hackr and dos start to reconfigure the partitions. Then repeated steps above. Worked perfectly and re-injected the partition 2 bin with xplorer extreme 2. However at the end of the process, which was very fast, xplorer extreme 2 suddenly stopped working and stopped responding. Dr Watson in win xp suddenly crashed as well when xplorer became non-responsive. But the hdd worked perfectly when I installed into the Xbox again.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2014
  9. FumbleThumbs

    FumbleThumbs Member

    Jun 8, 2014
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    I thought I posted a question earlier but it isn't showing up.

    20gb HDD failed and data was un-salvage-able.
    HDD replacement WD2500BEKT-75PVMT0
    Followed this guide and used HDDhackr and usb boot to partition new drive.
    Didn't replace partition 3 for original xbox game emulation since I didn't have any backup data.
    Installed in 360, asked to format, and I did.
    Has been working flawlessly for several months now.

    NO original xbox discs or download-able content will play.

    How do I restore the original xbox emulation into the partition at this stage? Is it possible to use my laptop with one HDD bay to load the appropriate data into the partition? Should I back-up my saves and data and start over?

    -I have burned the offline MS xbox emulation fix disc and updated my system with it. After the install system states that it will play all original games. Power cycle and attempt to launch original xbox game disc and downloaded game, doesn't start either game.
    -Used a SATA to USB cable with the 250gb replacement HDD to attempt to re-inject the data into the appropriate partition with Xplorer360 250gb edition. Error: NO fatx detected in Xplorer.
    -Deleted the current system update on my xbox360 suggested by MS (by pressing LB, RB, x, LB, RB, x) and then installing a new system update. Still no original xbox game emulation.

    I have a laptop running win 7 home premium only, no xbox360 transfer cable and the original xbox games are from the xbox live store and the physical discs are on the list of supported backwards compatibility.

    Thank you to everyone in advance.
  10. FUzIONZz16

    FUzIONZz16 New Member

    Jun 11, 2014
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    i have a question if i buy a WD 500GB hard drive and i hack it can i use it for my retail Xbox or is it just for Jtags/RGHs i have already hacked a 320gb hard drive but i want to get a 500gb for my retail slim
  11. Rick

    Rick Moderator

    Jul 14, 2010
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    The Matrix
    It works on non modded consoles
    FUzIONZz16 likes this.
  12. T1m3

    T1m3 New Member

    Jun 12, 2014
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    Hello , i have a problem with my WD500BPVT, i flashed the firmware using HDDHACKR(in auto mode) and HDDSS500.BIN . Everything went well , but my Xbox say "no storage device found".
    Then i used MHDD to set native LBA address . MHDD says that everything went well , but when i connect my HDD to Xbox again "no storage device found".
    Then i restore my HDD with UNDO.BIN
    After this i used Western Digital Life Guard Tool to write zeros.
    I have done the above steps with HDDSS320.BIN and HDDS250.BIN in between each step checking if my HDD works with xbox , but it don't work.
    But for some reason Horizon Device Explorer detects my HDD as Xbox HDD .
    Also when i try to use manual mode with HDDHACKR i get message "Sector checksum <09CF> in file HDDSS500.BIN is wrong"

    My Motherboard : Gigabyte H55M-UD2H

    Does anyone have solutions?
    Thanks in advance.
  13. sitler1

    sitler1 New Member

    Jun 12, 2014
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    Hi, I have a problem! make a bootable USB, restarted laptop insert hard drive, there is a string, introduce hddhackr click enter but nothing happens! useless to wait! In the BIOS sees my hard drive! What could the problem? I do everything for documentation to help! the only caveat is that the hard drive of the laptop beech, I formatted it and put together in one volume!
  14. Doug

    Doug Active Member

    Jan 27, 2010
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    Did this fine just now with the 500gb SS

    WDC WD5000BEVT-00A0RT0

    dont forget to use wdidle3 as the heads are parked after 8 seconds by default on it

    I used
    WDIDLE3 /S300
    WDIDLE3 /D

    just incase /D didnt take..

    Then powered the pc down to ensure the park setting didnt get messed with by hddhackr
    powered up and used hddhackr
  15. Shaun Santos

    Shaun Santos New Member

    Jun 9, 2014
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    I would be eternally grateful if you could upload the undo.bin for the 00V0TT0 model that you successfully flashed. I am helping a friend with this, but I want to redo the whole process as I messed up somewhere and I lost the undo.bin file. Thank you in advance.​

  16. Rick

    Rick Moderator

    Jul 14, 2010
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    The Matrix
    I have recently hacked one of those drives, you can find the download in the first post here.
  17. Snolem

    Snolem New Member

    Jul 6, 2014
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    Does Formatting a drive and doing all this remove some of the security to potentially play games tranfered to a hard drive without actually having the disc?
  18. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Nope it simply gives you more space to purchase Games and DLC from Xbox Live, or install games.
  19. SorinFCS

    SorinFCS New Member

    Jul 7, 2014
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    Hello, i want to hack a WD7500BPKT - 750GB but i cant find on the list the 750gb xbox file...
    I have one question, if i hack this hdd, can i use 750 on my xbox 360 slim? And will be a problem if i use this hdd and play xbox live games? I risk to be banned?

  20. Rick

    Rick Moderator

    Jul 14, 2010
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    The Matrix
    You will have to use the 500gb bin file. You won't be able to use 750gb though. Microsoft doesn't ban for hacked hard drives.

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