Hack a 250gb, 320gb or 500gb Sata harddrive to work in the Xbox 360 and Xbox 360 Slim

Discussion in 'Xbox 360 Guides' started by InsaneNutter, Dec 8, 2009.

  1. MarkJohnson

    MarkJohnson New Member

    Jun 9, 2012
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    Thanks for help. It formatted just fine on the XBOX 360 LIVE machine.

    Now, I can't seem to play my old XBOX games. It says The game couldn't start. Try downloading the game again.

    Is there something else I need to do?
  2. Echo51

    Echo51 New Member

    Jun 10, 2012
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    Im having issues with this. Hddhackr reports that the hddss.bin's have the wrong sector checksum (0778), and neither flashing with hddhackr, nor hex workshop as according to another tutorial works. Hddhackr always shows it as a WD harddrive.

    I'm using an WD1600BEVS, which should work. I've tried both hddhack 1.3 and the one before that, along with the hddss's for 60 and 120GB drives, yet nothing works...

    Is my drive just a stubborn one? From what i found other people have had luck with this model of drive, so it should work....
  3. Rick

    Rick Moderator

    Jul 14, 2010
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    The Matrix
    Did you transfer partition 2? If so try this if you don't use xbox live.

    Try redownloading the file and extracting it to the flash drive, maybe try a different flash drive.
  4. Echo51

    Echo51 New Member

    Jun 10, 2012
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    Forgot to mention i don't have any USB's around, so im using a CD with MS-DOS i run it from instead. Tried to reburn with a freshly downloaded hddss, still fails. I assume it still writes sector 16-22 even if undo.bin is unaccessible?
  5. Rick

    Rick Moderator

    Jul 14, 2010
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    The Matrix
    I'm assuming the wrong sector checksum error means something around the file corrupting.
    You could try this tutorial, https://digiex.net/guides-reviews/c...box-360-how-flash-your-hddss-bin-windows.html
  6. Echo51

    Echo51 New Member

    Jun 10, 2012
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    That is the excact tutorial i've used, which also ends up with HDDhackr showing it as a WD drive. Somehow it doesn't want to be changed...
  7. Cravit8

    Cravit8 Member

    Aug 18, 2011
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    The LBA warning is just a warning...mostly. My 2 successes both had the LBA warning during the process. I don't understand why insanenutter doesn't post this in the instructions, since it's the only suprise during the whole process and lots of people post on here asking about it.

    Nothing about this would be "locked" to your machine, whether you were talking about the PC or the xbox.

    My success story:
    1) I bought the 4GB Kinect Bundle.
    2) Bought a 320GB WD hard drive. (pre-Taiwan flooding thankfully)
    3) Ran Hack
    4) loaded partition 2
    5) tested xbox original Splinter Cell game
    6) success!
    NOTE: If you don't want to play crappy original xbox games AND are not backing-up/restoring Partition 3 content, the entire HD hack and format takes less than 2 minutes...seriously. It's amazing.

    This whole process really only fails if you are computer illiterate or have circumstances outside the norm.
    It literally took me more time understanding the process and organizing all the files and instructions I pasted into individual .txt files than it did to do the hack. I did the hack so quickly the first time (without partition 2) that I thought I missed something.

    Adding Partition 2 makes the process much more convoluted and really and truly isn't worth it IMHO.

    Additionally, the instructions (last I checked) leave out a HUGE WARNING about Partition 3 backup.
    While you "choose" what folder/drive to back Partition 3 up to, what you don't know is that it actually backs up to a Windows temp folder on C:/ and then moves to the desired folder, all of this in the background.
    Why is this a problem?
    1) Takes a really long time moving the content twice.
    2) If your C:/ is on a small hard drive or SSD (in my case a 64GB SSD) you don't know your SSD is filling up. Being that more techies are moving to using SSDs for C:/ I think this warning should be included in the tutorial.

    I end with a HUGE thank you to Rick and InsaneNutter for their continued help, saving us all big money.
  8. MarkJohnson

    MarkJohnson New Member

    Jun 9, 2012
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    No, I didn't transfer anything. I just ran hddhackr and formatted it on my machine. which asked for a console serial number brfore it would format.

    I tried to log my xbox live to my nephew's machine. But still wouldn't work.

    I tried Star Wars: The Jedi Knight and a half dozen others, I don't remember, that all failed.

    ps. watch those links. When I replied the first time, it killed my whole message as spam. saying questionable links or some such. :P
  9. Rick

    Rick Moderator

    Jul 14, 2010
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    The Matrix
    You have to do the step on transferring partition 2 for original xbox games to work.You can find that individual tutorial at the link below or in the guide.
    About the spam links thing, just enter the captcha then the message should post.
  10. wirelessroute

    wirelessroute New Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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    Question Custom HD vs MS Origina HD

    I am interested in adding 250GB or 320GB hard drive to my Xbox Slim. What are the advantages of going this route rather than buying the Official Microsoft version? I see I can get a Western Digital 250 GB Scorpio Black around $64 shipped and MS Office 250 HD for Xbox $80 (Is this customization worth the $16 saving ). Will I have any issues with warranty on my Xbox or this getting disconnected in the future? How about being kicked off Live? Does the speed of the Black vs the Blue make any difference ? Pricing is about the same for Blue vs Black. Do I need to buy the plastic enclosure for support of the HD in the Xbox, any advantages of the enclosure ?

    Sorry for the newbie questions, defiently seems like a easy upgrade just weigh out the benifits
  11. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Price is the major factor, when i did this tutorial a few years ago you could hack 3x 250gb drives for the cost of 1x official 120gb drive.

    Because of the floods in Thailand hard drive prices have sky rocketed so you probably will not save as much as you once did, only benefit is cost however.

    You can get a 320gb drive shipped for $64 here too - Newegg.com - Western Digital Scorpio Blue WD3200LPVT 320GB 5400 RPM 8MB Cache 2.5" SATA 3.0Gb/s Internal Notebook Hard Drive -Bare Drive might as well get the extra space.
  12. polabear33

    polabear33 New Member

    Jun 14, 2012
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    DRQ error 0x0815

    Any help on this? I got through everything. I got all the way down to "Do you want to flash xbox360 compatible firmware (Y/N)? Y"
    it says in green "Sectors 16-22 rewritten successfully!"
    but then it waits for a moment then displays "Can't save drive firmware for later restore! DRQ Error: 0x0815

    any idea what i did wrong or how i can fix it?
  13. wirelessroute

    wirelessroute New Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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    So I followed the instructions and booted from USB. When I type in HDDhackr I get error "no ata devices present" I tried it in both my Dell Desktop PC and HP HDX16t laptop. I checked Bios and there is not an option for IDE only AHCI and RAID. Tried both and they get the same error. I tried doing the manual rout Hddhackr F (port) etc but not sure how to find what Port # my hard drive is in hex, how can I find this ?
    Or any other solutions to get this to work ?
  14. Hamajangs

    Hamajangs Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    Hi, I tried today as well and got "Sectors 16-22 rewritten successfully!" in green and then "Bad/Wrong serial number offset" in red. I tried a google search for this and couldn't find anything so I figured I'd restore it back using the UNDO.BIN that had been created. I did this and got the restore completed message and to wait 10 seconds and restart. I waited for a bit and restarted and noticed that now the HDD showed up as a blank listing in bios. I went back into hddhackr and tried to restore again and got "Can't write firmware to drive! DRQ Error: 0x0816." So I tried to flash it again to see what would happen and got 0x0802. I'm hoping the HDD is not a brick at this point. Any ideas what I could try aside from buying a new drive?

    I'm beginning to think I should just try to RMA the drive at this point. I'm curious about the initial error though. Has anyone seen it before? I don't want to get a replacement if it'll happen again. Drive is WD3200BEKT and looks like it was manufactured in march 2012.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2012
  15. DvlFig

    DvlFig New Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Before I try this, a couple questions. I don't play old Xbox games but really care about my game saves, so I think I don't need partition 2 content restored. Now that we have the ability to save the game saves in the cloud, I wouldn't have to backup and restore partition 3, would I? I can just download my saves from the cloud into the new HDD. Does this sound practical? Is Partition 2 and 3 content from the old HDD needed for this hack to work properly ? Otherwise, it would be a matter of flashing the HHD, partitioning it, and attaching it to my Xbox S. Then, download my game saves form the cloud. What do you guys think?
  16. Rick

    Rick Moderator

    Jul 14, 2010
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    The Matrix
    You can skip the parts with backing up partition 2 and 3. Then copy the game saves.

    Does the drive spin up still, it should display some model number or serial number in the bios or boot device.

    There is a windows based solution to this, it is more complicated.

    HDDHackr still doesn't work for me, can i try anything else?
    You can have a look at Harcrofts tutorial on How to Flash Your HDDSS.bin in Windows. Read the tutorial very carefully and do so at your own risk.

    Is the device you have hddhackr on write protected or is it a disc?
    DvlFig likes this.
  17. DvlFig

    DvlFig New Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Thanks Rick! I just ordered a HDD to do this to my XBS, can't wait!:D
  18. Hamajangs

    Hamajangs Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    Hi Rick, yes the drive still spins up. In bios it's a blank line where the serial number/model number would be. When I go deeper into bios and attempt to select the options specific to that sata port, it just skips over it. When running hddhackr again, it pulls up the sata port the drive is connected to, but is blank. The hard drive isn't recognized at all in windows.
  19. Rick

    Rick Moderator

    Jul 14, 2010
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    The Matrix
    Usually this doesn't happen, rma would be the best thing to do.
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  20. Hamajangs

    Hamajangs Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    New one is on the way. It's the same make/model since it's a replacement, but do you know anything about the "bad/wrong serial number offset" message that I got? I fear that I might experience the same results and I'm wondering if maybe I should have done something differently. I've continued to look for that message to see if anyone else had experienced it and it seems pretty rare. Thanks, I appreciate the help.

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