hello. please help with xbox one

Discussion in 'Console Help Center' started by bohdan987, Apr 18, 2016.

  1. bohdan987

    bohdan987 New Member

    Apr 18, 2016
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    My Xbox one gives me error e200 00000074 00000000 I have been going at it for 4 days now and it drives me nuts. At the start up its getting stuck at the update screen about half way, dosent go to the green screen. Its original Hdd is a brick, when I download OSUDT2 file from Microsoft file SYSTEMAUX.XVD is corrupt evry time I have used all differnt internet brausers. I have tried factory reset usb tool and OSUDT1&3 with no luck. Console is made 2015-06-05 but i live in Ukraine and i got console used and without Microfoft seal on it. I have no way of knoving what version of OS it run before. What files do I download in the A and B folders after I format and partition new HDD with Linex? Money is very tight and I need to fix it myself if I can.
    Thanks for the reading.
    will some body help me before i loose myself ant throw this box out the window.
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Firstly please do not post this thread multiple times, their is also no need to send me 5 private messages about this...

    Install the OSUDT3 update first, then after install the OSUDT2 update. I think that's the order your supped to do it in.

    After the OSUDT3 update you will either get the dashboard or a message about needing to update again. When that happens you want to install the OSUDT2 update.

    That's all I can suggest really i've not had any real experience messing about with Xbox One updates.
  3. bohdan987

    bohdan987 New Member

    Apr 18, 2016
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    Thank you. sorry. Internet connection got broked couple of times. I didint know that it had sended 5 messages. File systemaux.vdx gets corrupt evry time i download OSUDT2.
  4. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
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    If the file gets dropped because of connection problems, i'd suggest using a download manager to resume downloads.
  5. bohdan987

    bohdan987 New Member

    Apr 18, 2016
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    File SYSTEMAUX.XVD from OSUDT2 is corrupt every time, all the other files are fine. All files OSUDT1&3 are fine. I tried with Explorer, Chrome and Firefox wi-fi and wired connection at home and at work. Seems like file is bad on the Microsoft server. If the problem was with the connection files would get mestup in random order. Files are good just SYSTEMAUX.XVD from OSUDT2 is bad all the time every time.

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