In case you hadn't heard there is a new trailer for S3, it starts on 22/09/08 [ame][/ame] I have to say I am suddenly REALLY looking forward to this! Discussion in spoilers just in case - as trailer gives away mild plot details. Spoiler Looks to me its gone a bit dark, with some of the heroes going bad! And a way for people to give themselves powers?! Gonna be nuts, bring it on!
I truly cannot wait Looks like this will be a good start to University, will be downloading it every week Also this trailer was new to me, shows so much more . It seems they are spending a lot more money per episode when seeing some of the special effects and action scenes.
I've never really watched Heroes before. Judging by your youtube preview, it definitely seems interesting! I'll watch it if it comes to USA TV's. What network does it come on? (Such as HBO, TNT, Starz Etc.)
NBC has it: Heroes | Watch Episodes Online for Free - Heroes TV Show on NBC: NBC Official Site If you have never watched it I would strongly recommend catching up. There is about 30 episodes so far so you could do it before the new season comes on! I thought that as well. I dont really trust just a trailer but by the looks of things the quality has increased. Im hardly surprised though, most people I know watch it!
I’m ashamed to admit how long it took me to get in to Heroes, I was practically forced to put the DVD in the DVD player and watch an episode, but after that I watched another and another... it really is a great show, to me it looked to appear out of nowhere and all of a sudden everyone is watching it. Spoiler Just watched the trailer that has been posted up, omg Claire has turned evil by the looks of it I want answers now!
I agree with you. The first series was a masterpiece. The second was rather meh so I think that they have alot to put to rest with the third. Though the second series was heavily impacted on by the writers strike
Totally agree, 1st season was insane.. The problem with the second was the new characters and how they just didnt... fit in
Yeah, I mean how the hell did the twins stories fit in with anything? They could have just left them out and it would not have impacted the story at all.
I really disliked the ending. I know the writer's strike is to blame, but still. They all end up in some random warehouse where they have this really dangerous stuff stored in some random unprotected vault and then we get a very crappy ending. No epic battle or whatever, the guy just gets teleported, that's it.
Well hopefully we'll get a better series now that the strike is over. Well lets face it, it cant get any worse can it?
I can't seem to find this one on my TV. Does it have anything else on the title other than Heroes. Cause I could'nt find anything titled The Heroes or just Heroes.
Its most likely not been shown at the moment as the current series did end quite a few months ago, your best bet would be just to download series 1 if you’re interested in watching it or buy the DVD box set if you get in to it. Its just called "Heroes" Agreed, I really enjoyed series 2, it was annoying how it ended all of a sudden but as you say I don’t think that could really be helped because of the writers strike. I would have sooner they expanded more on the current story before going on to Volume 3 as I was really getting in to it.
Well at least we know we will get a full series 3 and hopefully some loose ends from series 2 will be tied up in the premiere.
If you buy the Season 2 DVD Boxset, it has a documentry on a disc that shows where season 2 was planning to go. There was suppose to be another load of eposides and they even started to record them (clips are shown including a different ending to what we saw). Basically the tube smashes on the floor and everyone becomes infected. Then do you remember when Peter teleported to the future and saw what happened? Basically it leads up to that. But as someone else said, due to the writers strike they had to change it last minute. But what it does mean is how different Heroes would be if that strike didnt happen, it would be in a totally different direction.
The writer strike was so annoying, I still cannot believe how much it screwed stuff up! Im sorry but season 2 was awesome. I'm so confident of this fact I can argue my point with 2 pictures: Nuff said.
As much as I hate to say it, those lovely ladies will only get you so far. They need a good story to look sexy in lol!