Hello to all the members of Digiex and any new joiners Just a little post introducing myself and my role within Digiex. Spell my Digiex username backwards and you're one step close to my real name I've been involved with Digiex since the very beginning (the forum that was alive before this one, Digiex 1.0 (though this one has also been through some major changes since)). I know both the administrators in real life. I was first tasked with creating posts of interest for Digiex mainly involved with media, TV, games and computers and moderating the forum. I try to do so still to this day (though not as often as I'd like, I now work full time which makes things difficult). My job is IT Technician so I help out users anyway that I can with whatever problems they have. Hence if you need any advice on PCs etc just PM me or ask on the forum I'm mainly Windows (as that's what I use at work) though I do have some experiences with Macs and other OS's. I do tend to play games on XBL from time to time so add me if you'd like: Heppyruk I also tend to be on Steam quite a bit so if you wanna chat or play a game or whatever it may be just add me: Heppy2k2. Digiex also have a Steam user group which I'm a member of, as our most of the Digiex Admin staff. Come join us https://digiex.net/general-discussions/gaming-hangout/260-digiex-steam-group.html