Can somebody please help me. i have downloaded all the delisted arcade games for 360 and have them in a folder on my pc and have formatted a usb with my 360 I'm confused on what to do next usb xtaf wont pick up my usb and when i manually select it i get errors and i also have no knowledge about this so i am quite confused. the error says unhandeled exception error could not find this path etc.
Thanks it works. It takes a few attempts though to get the content folder to appear keep clicking open drive and shows the usb has nothing then eventually after a few tries it will show the content folder and from there I followed the tutorial and was successful. Thanks again.
I know this must have been answered before - but I want my delisted games back.. so 2 questions: 1. Will this get me banned (I want my Smash TV back!) 2. Is there an easy way of finding out which Guitar song packs I purchased in the past to try and get them back again???? THanks for any help folks.
No you won't get banned as you can only use DRM free injected content or content you already own. If you check your Xbox Live download history you can download anything you might have purchased in the past.