Here is a quick and simple guide to get you going with NZBGet. For those of you that don't know NZBGet is a usenet client. Similar to that of SABnzbd only NZBGet is designed for performance. Thus making it perfect for low power systems. Please understand that you are doing this at your own risk. While these commands will get nzbget up and running, I cannot be held responsible if something goes terribly wrong. However, if this does happen I'm here to help. Lets begin! Install Simply open terminal or ssh into your Ubuntu machine to run these which will download NZBGet (including dependencies), compile, and install. Code: sudo apt-get install -y build-essential libncurses5-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev git subversion unrar unzip p7zip-full Code: sudo svn co /opt/nzbget-svn cd /opt/nzbget-svn sudo touch configure sudo touch sudo touch sudo ./configure --with-tlslib=OpenSSL sudo make sudo make install sudo make install-conf Hard part is over, now to get nzbget running automatically upon boot here is what you need to do. Code: sudo nano /etc/init/nzbget.conf Paste in the following then press CTRL + X then Y and finally enter. Feel free to edit the "setuid root" & "setgid root" lines with whatever user you wish to runas. Code: #description "NZBGet upstart script" #author "xzKinGzxBuRnzx @" setuid nzbget setgid nzbget start on runlevel [2345] stop on runlevel [016] respawn script exec nzbget -D end script pre-stop script exec nzbget -Q end script Now to start NZBGet you simply run this command Code: sudo service nzbget start Thats it! You've successfully installed NZBGet! Open up a browser and go to you'll be asked for a password, use username nzbget and password tegbzn6789 Update If you are looking to update NZBGet. Just run these commands. Note: Make sure NZBGet is not running before doing this. Code: sudo service nzbget stop cd /opt/nzbget-svn sudo svn update sudo ./configure --with-tlslib=OpenSSL sudo make sudo make install Remove If you ever needed or wanted to remove NZBGet completely then this is how to do so. Code: sudo rm -rf /opt/nzbget-svn sudo rm -rf /usr/local/share/nzbget sudo rm -rf /usr/local/share/doc/nzbget sudo rm /usr/local/bin/nzbget sudo apt-get remove --purge -y build-essential libncurses5-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev git subversion unrar unzip p7zip-full sudo apt-get autoremove --purge -y sudo rm /etc/init/nzbget.conf Config The config file for nzbget is located at '/usr/local/etc/nzbget.conf'. You may edit it by using your normal text editor, nzbget webui or by running this command below. Code: sudo nano /usr/local/etc/nzbget.conf For additional information please refer to NZBGet Documentation