Note : Thanks to radiocasehead from 360iso for this Guide ! Well people this is a work done by my mate Chuchox, he's a venezuelan modder and player who decided to make gow 3 works on kai and he did it. So im sharing his work with everyone here who cant go live or cant set xbs link on proper basis. So there it goes: First thing u need is your xbox MAC address, which can be found on this path at your xbox settings : System settings/Network settings/wired network/config: Once u are there, go to additional config tab (RB button), then go to advancend config and there it is, you beloved MAC address. Go Here and calculate a new Ip address by setting the last two parts of console's hardware MAC address into the field and click calculate. Steps to follow: 1º Select “Microsoft Xbox (for homebrew only)” 2º Then input the last two parts of console's hardware MAC address” 3º* “Calculate IP Adress” and save that new IP on a notepad. This part of the tut is just for wired systems or networks. (It could be pretty much closer to a wired network system but we are not sure) Ok take that IP you saved earlier and go to your xbox/ System settings/ network config/ wired network/ network settings. Click “Manual” settings to customize your inputs Set that new IP over the last one u have. Save that IP too, just in case. On subnet Mask please input this value: On default gateway input your PC IP or Routers IP if you have one of those. Leave the rest of the settings on “automatic”. Restart your xbox. Note: If you are connected through a router, please make sure which is its related IP so u can input that as a default gateway. I.E: If the Ip related to your xbox is, then the default gateway its gonna be 10.252.113.XXX. Those xxx means different numbers than 115. Extra Data: If you are Jtag user and you want to get back ur config to go FTP then click back to AUTOMATIC on the xbox network settings. Then go to “Switch Diagnostics Mode” It will shows some general info about kai. Then click “Switch Diagnostics View”. You may have 3 sceneraies here: 2 bad and 1 good. A)* *No consoles have been detected yet. If its your case, you did something wrong or you are running wireless. B)* * The xbox is detected but not properly connnected. Still something is wrong. Restart kai and xbox. C)* * Finally the one we are looking for: A precious blue colored screen showing us everything its ok and we are ready to play gow 3 on xlink kai. P.D this method works for every systemlink game also Lost Planet 2 with every title update. GOW 3 is working too with Title update number one. Please dont cheat on Kai games: its just stupid! Thanks to my “panitas” “pPrototyp3q” y “Radiocasehead” who helped me to get this work done! Note : Thanks to radiocasehead from 360iso for this Guide !