How to re install Vista without a recovery DVD

Discussion in 'Windows Guides' started by InsaneNutter, Jun 25, 2008.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Have you purchased a computer that has come with Vista pre installed along with loads of other programs you don’t really want? If you are looking to carry out a clean install of Vista on this computer you have come to the right place.

    On the computer you want to install a clean copy of Vista on, download the Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder and run it.

    This should tell you the real CD key for your Vista licence, in most cases this will be different from the sticker on your computer or laptop.


    Now put your recovery DVD in your computer, and search for “.XRM-MS” without the quotes, a file should be found called Acer. XRM-MS or something similar (depending on the oem), copy this file to a USB flash drive or to another computer. You will need it once you have re installed Vista.

    If you no longer have your recovery DVD you can download this XRM-MS Mega Pack and hope there is a certificate for your oem included.

    Now you have the CD key and XRM-MS licence file you can complete a re-install of Vista from any normal Vista install disc, it doesn’t matter if its OEM, Retail, 32bit, 64bit or Has SP1 integrated or not. Any Vista install DVD will work.

    When you are asked for a serial number enter the one the Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder found and finish the installation.

    Now Vista is installed its time to import the licence file.

    Copy the licence file you got from you recovery DVD earlier and copy it to the Root of you C:\ drive.

    Now click the windows logo at the bottom left of the screen, go to All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt, right click on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator


    In this command prompt type: “SLMGR.VBS -ilc C:\ACER.XRM-MS” where ACER.XRM-MS is the name of the XRM-MS licence file from your recovery DVD.

    After a minute or so a message will popup saying it has been registered successfully. If you click right mouse on Computer either on the desktop or in the start menu and click properties you should see Windows is now activated.


    That’s it, you have now re installed.

    I have included some licence files from various manufactures along with the Serial number incase you are not able to obtain the one from your pc for whatever reason, there’s no guarantee any of the licence files will work with your laptop but if one is included there’s no harm in trying if you want a clean install.

    Another advantage of this is you can re install Vista from a DVD with Service Pack 1 integrated which means you don’t have to wait an hour after installing Vista for SP1 to download and Install.

    Attached Files:

    Stealth Geek, Rick and Pit like this.
  2. pimprenelle1

    pimprenelle1 New Member

    Nov 4, 2008
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    oh la la, when i try this on a friend's computer who's always vaio computers, and if it runs well, l'll come back here and send you a kiss
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    You’re not the first Digiex member that’s wanted to give me a hug or kiss these last few months lol ;), if you have any probs let me know.
  4. pimprenelle1

    pimprenelle1 New Member

    Nov 4, 2008
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    let's wait with an official vista on a friend's computer

    I've tried the log on my "special vista"

    the serial number seen has not been accepted when I restarted after having installed windows seven

    fortunatey I has an acronis image and have restored vista

  5. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    The CD key magical jelly bean key finder finds will probably be different to the one stuck on your laptop, if the cd key is valid vista will accept it... it will only activate with the correct .xrms file installed tho.
  6. pimprenelle1

    pimprenelle1 New Member

    Nov 4, 2008
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    i think you're right
  7. DyNaMiiXx

    DyNaMiiXx Elite Member

    Nov 2, 2008
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    I can't even read the one on my vista laptop I just have to press a button on the start and it restores factory settings
  8. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Your laptop most likely has a hidden recovery partition, it would be possible to gain access to the files on there but as I don’t have a laptop with a hidden partition I can’t do a guide for it.

    The keyfinder in my post above will give you your cd key and I should be able to find you a licence file if you let me know the make your laptop is.
  9. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Post updated with an XRM-MS Mega Pack to hopefully help people who have lost their recovery DVD.
  10. Hoffman

    Hoffman Addict

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Just done a clean install with a Vista SP2 DVD on a Dell Inspiron 1545, got the .xrm-ms file off the recovery DVD, imported it and activated with the CD key I got from the keyfinder.

    Laptop now working perfectly with no extra rubbish installed, saved about 2 hours by not having to install sp1 then sp2.

    Attached Files:

  11. linesma

    linesma New Member

    Aug 29, 2009
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    Thanks for this tip. I do system "clean-ups" for people as a hobby, and the vast majority of them have lost their recovery DVD's. Now I can help them out without telling them that they will have to buy a new copy of Windows.
  12. kookmasteraj

    kookmasteraj Active Member

    Jul 26, 2009
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    I could use this for my other computer but it is fucked at up the blue screen of death
  13. iamsamtheson

    iamsamtheson Member

    Dec 12, 2009
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    please clarify. thanks

    Hi. I am Sam. It's my first time here. I am just a novice pc user and I am hoping that though this site I will be able to learn a thing or two and eventually pass it on to others as well who will be needing assistance. I've inserted some questions that I have in(red letters). Thanks in advance in answering my querys.

    Thanks in advance. Hope you dont mind answering my queries. It been almost a month now since I started looking for this kind of thread and hoping this will do the trick.(Y)(Y)

    Here is my email if you want to send the reply directly

  14. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Does it mean it is OK even if I get a different key compare to the one on the sticker?

    Yes thats fine, that is the key you want to use and is usually different to the one on the sticker.

    I dont have the dvd anymore but I do have a recovery drive in which I tried to reinstall but to no avail. Recovery drive must be corrupted too.

    If reinstallation is successful should I just reformat the recovery drive and use it for like music files or something?

    Just get a normal Vista DVD from a friend and install like that, i always delete the recovery partition but thats because I wold sooner install Windows myself and not have all the junk OEM's include with Windows. It sounds like you have no use for it anyway so why not if you get Windows working again.

    Using the XRM-MS data pack. It gave me a lot of certificate for different pc brand. I just need one file from here, right?

    I have used the gatewasystem(v1).xrm-ms on a friends pc and that worked fine

    Why is it that it doesnt matter anymore the kind and version of the install disc? Mine is vista 32-bit but planning to use vista 64-bit installation cd. After install will it still be vista 32-bit like the original one?

    Vista CD Keys work with both 32bit or 64bit versions, 64bit Windows supports more than 4gb of ram, some applications are optimized and work better under 64bit Windows.

    Which one should I use?

    If you can get drivers for all the hardware in your computer you might as well install the 64bit version

    Is this like copy from the USB drive and paste into c:\


    Is there any spaces in between and in what directory should I do this, c:\ ?

    If you have copied the gatewasystem(v1).xrm-ms to your C:\ drive simply use: SLMGR.VBS -ilc C:\gatewasystem(v1).xrm-ms
  15. iamsamtheson

    iamsamtheson Member

    Dec 12, 2009
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    Install Vista witout DVD

    Thanks for your quick reply. I really appreciate it. I haven't install it yet but I will let you know the result as soon as it's done.

    Thanks again! (Y)

  16. DenDan

    DenDan New Member

    Sep 20, 2011
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    Help in restoring WIndows Vista

    Have been trying to reboot our Acer Laptop with a downloadable recovery disk, however the prompts ends at DR-DOS A:\

    Don't know what else to do, need help :(
  17. seanpr92

    seanpr92 Godlike

    Oct 12, 2010
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    Nottingham, United Kingdom

    try alt+F10 this activates acer recovery partition providing you havent deleted it
    DenDan likes this.
  18. DenDan

    DenDan New Member

    Sep 20, 2011
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    unfortunately the cursor just blinks back at me with nothing else much :(

    haven't deleted anything though, system just refuses to start completely!

    thanks anyway

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