How to Uncorrupt a Gamertag or Gamesave from a Banned Xbox 360

Discussion in 'Xbox 360 Guides' started by xzKinGzxBuRnzx, Dec 2, 2009.

  1. xzKinGzxBuRnzx

    xzKinGzxBuRnzx Moderator

    Aug 9, 2008
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    How to Uncorrupt a Gamertag or Gamesave from a Banned Xbox 360

    As you may know once you are banned from Xbox live if you use that banned console to play games and then put your HDD back into an unbanned console your profile shows as corrupted and you have to recover Gamertag from Xbox LIVE. In doing this though you lose any achievements you may have obtained on the banned Xbox. I have found a way to un-corrupt the profile without Recovering.

    What you need:
    A Data Transfer Cable for 360 or disassemble your hard drive.
    CON Flag Remover
    Xbox 360 Hash Block Calculator

    Choose one of the follow below, you do not need them all.
    Xplorer 360 20gb Edition
    Xplorer 360 60gb Edition
    Xplorer 360 100gb Edition
    Xplorer 360 160gb Edition
    Xplorer 360 250gb Edition
    Xplorer 360 320gb Edition
    Xplorer 360 500gb Edition
    Xplorer 360 1tb Edition
    Xplorer 360 Extreme 2 20gb and 120gb Edition

    Step 1:
    First thing you want to do is get a back-up of your current profile. You can skip this step and go to Step 3 B if you already have achievements on your banned console you wish to transfer to an unbanned. This is also just a precaution and can be skipped if you don't wish to make a back up.

    Either connect your hard drive to your PC through the Data Cable or disassemble the hard drive and connect using normal Sata connections.

    Next open "Xplorer360". Click "Drive>Open>Harddrive or Memory-card".
    Select "Partition 3", then expand "Content"

    Under this will be several folders Starting with "E". These folder names are your profile ID so I can't say for sure they name of yours but if there is only one profile it will be easiest.

    Expand your E folder, "FFFE07D1", then "000100000"

    Now you will see your Profile file, Drag this file onto your desktop or any where you can find it.

    Step 2:
    Now make a back up just in case something goes wrong. Right click on the file you just dragged from the hard drive. Click copy. Right click again and click paste. you can then rename this file what ever you want just remember it is the Original. I would suggest just adding ORG or BAK to the end of the file name.

    Step 3:
    A: For use with a previously recovered Gamertag that is not corrupted
    You can now put your Hard drive onto your banned console. I would suggest either just playing a game or getting an easy achievement to test. Then move on to Step 4.

    B: For those with a still corrupted Gamertag
    If you have a Corrupted Gamertag that you have received additional achievements you can uncorrupt that gamertag and have it add those achievements to your online gamerscore. Just remember not to recover your gamertag from LIVE untill after you have fixed this original corrupted one. Doing so will prevent you from ever being able to add those achievements to your gamerscore.

    Step 4:
    Once you are ready to move your Profile back to a Unbanned Console hook the hard drive back up to the PC. Repeat steps 1 & 2. This new profile will have all the achievements you just obtained on it.

    Step 5:
    Open "CON Flag Remover"
    Click "Open Profile". Browse for the file you just got in Xplorer360.
    Click "Remove Flags".

    Step 6:
    Open "Xbox 360 Hash Block Calculator"
    Click "File>Open"
    Open the file you just removed CON Flags From
    Click "Tools>Calculate Hash Blocks"

    Step 7:
    Open Xplorer360, open you hard drive. Navigate to where your profile is stored. Drag the file you you have edited onto the Xplorer360 window. Tell it to replace the file if asked. Disconnect hard drive from PC and reconnect to Xbox.

    It may take up to 30 minutes before your new score is seen by friends or on

    This must be done each time hard drive is connected to a banned console. Its a bit of a pain but does make it so you can continue to get achievements on a banned console.

    To fix a game save, just extract it using "Xplorer360". Then use "CON Flag Remover" to fix it. Then make sure its all ok using "Xbox 360 Hash Block Calculator". If everything checks out, place it back onto your HDD disc / memory unit and enjoy.

    Attached Files:

  2. KillerWhiteMan

    KillerWhiteMan Burnout Racer

    Jan 22, 2009
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    Salinas, California, United States
    So is this how you are able to be online still ;)?
  3. akrite

    akrite New Member

    Jul 20, 2010
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    Brilliant walk through by the way. I have managed to sort out my corrupted gamertag but now im getting a new error saying the below

    "Your Xbox Live membership information isnt valid. Please use a profile that contains a valid membership or recover your profile from xbox live"

    Any ideas what i ahve done or how to fix this?
  4. deadman

    deadman New Member

    Aug 28, 2009
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    Hi unfortunately i did recover my gamertag from xbox live..... so is there anyway i can still recover my saved game? like after recover the file with "remove con flag" and inject them into a new same gamer profile...or another profile... will it work?
  5. MasterChief

    MasterChief Addict

    Sep 17, 2009
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    The Internet
    Nice tutorial KingBurn, I actually found this thread on Google when searching for "uncorrupt banned xbox 360 save"

    Digiex was the first result :) My friends profile from his banned console is now working on my legit console.
  6. shank17

    shank17 New Member

    May 17, 2011
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    Gamertag not uploading to Live

    I had only ever used a banned console but recently purchased an new console to play live. I completed the steps in the tutorial and moved my profile over to the new xbox. I then signed up for xbox live with this profile. My gamertag, avatar, achievements and gamerscore all appeared fine but when I sign in to Live they disappear.

    Can anyone help? Thanks for your time.
  7. Rick

    Rick Moderator

    Jul 14, 2010
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    The Matrix
    recover it
  8. Lewie4

    Lewie4 Resident

    Jun 24, 2010
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    Sunderland, England
    Does anyone know how to un-corrupt an xbox HDD?
  9. shank17

    shank17 New Member

    May 17, 2011
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    I have never loaded my Achievements to Xbox Live before ... if I receover my gamertag then I will lose my Achievements. I was hoping that following the tutorial in this thread would allow me to transfer my Achievements with my gamertag.
  10. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    So you only see one profile right? and when your signed in with that profile disconnected from live the achievements still show on the dash? (the main screen where you see the DVD and such)

    Never had a banned console but whats corrupted on it? I think you just have to un-corrupt individual saves / profiles like in this tutorial.
  11. shank17

    shank17 New Member

    May 17, 2011
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  12. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Thats probably the problem, it would appear the profile is partly corrupted if you can not view the actual achievements. I'm not sure how that can be fixed really. Do you still have a backup of the offline profile before you converted it to a live profile, maybe you could check that and see if the achievements are viewable and try again.
  13. Lewie4

    Lewie4 Resident

    Jun 24, 2010
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    Sunderland, England
    When your console is banned they "corrupt" your HDD. When you look at your memory in system setting it says you must format it. I've tried on a console and on my pc but it is still rejected by my 360.
  14. F0erster

    F0erster New Member

    Sep 25, 2011
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    hey everybody and hey InsaneNutter!
    Been lurking here for quite a while and i would like to thank you, InsaneNutter, for your awesome tutorials (like the custom HDDs turning into Xbox360 HDDs one)!
    I am contemplating buying a cheap used unbanned 360 from ebay to play live again. I will most likely buy an arcade edition, because i do already use a 320GB drive in my banned console with my main profile on it. So i guess Arcade for 70bucks [€] will do it for me....
    my question is now: do i have to do the same steps as mentioned here? are all my savegames and achievements from my after-banned time corrupt?
    because i was using the original 20GB HDD the time i've been banned. (that was like 2009 or so)
    a couple of days ago, i made a 320GB HDD my new Xbox360 hard drive and copied all my stuff on it from the old HDD.
    so if i understood this right, the information that the saves and achievements are corrupted is stored in the saves/achievement themselves?
    so i have to unflag e very single save i have made since 2009? even the ones i made with original games? (just completed GOW2 on insane and i would grudgingly lose this)
    the fact that all my stuff is on a new hard drive that had no connection to my ban now, changes nothing?

    thanks in advance!
  15. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Yup basically you need to un-flag everything, including any profiles on that console. Anything that console touches will become corrupt if the console changes it (aka you save a game, unlock an achievement and so on)
  16. F0erster

    F0erster New Member

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Hey, i bought a second console like mentioned and i have some questions again ;)
    right now i am backupping and flag removing my profile and savegames from the banned xbox.
    lets say i remove the flags from the gamerscore profile and the gears of war 3 savegame and copy them back on the HDD.
    if i put the HDD back in my banned xbox and play another game, like Portal, the savegame from GOW3 should not be touched by the xbox am i right?
    so if i put the HDD in the unbanned Xbox to play GOW3 afterwards, the saves are still unflagged because the banned xbox didnt change them? (The GOW3 saves, not the Portal saves) The Portal saves are corrupt because they had been made with the banned xbox.
    to sum this up: do i only have to unflag the saves i make with the banned xbox, to be able to play them on my original xbox? what happens with corrupted saves from my banned xbox that i dont use in the unbanned box? do they get removed?
    can i use the corrupt saves again in my banned box?
  17. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Gears 3 saves to the profile, although does create checkpoint save files (i think anyway) so you will have to uncorrupt your profile every time you do anything on the banned console. I think you will only need to re un-corrupt saves the banned console touches, i cant be 100% as i dont have a banned console.

    Corrupt save games will just not show up on the legit console in game, they will still be there if you look under the "memory" option in system settings.
  18. Pandas Lunch

    Pandas Lunch New Member

    Oct 8, 2011
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    Hey, I can't open the Xplorer 360, it says there is a file missing. How do you open it?
  19. F0erster

    F0erster New Member

    Sep 25, 2011
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    hey, just wanted to say that the Gears 3 checkpoints seem to be corrupted after flag removing.
    i tried both, removing flags just from the profile file and from the checkpoints and data file in the gears 3 folder, nothing helped.
    but i am still able to choose the chapters i already played and start them over new, so i guess it works ok at least for me :D

    edit: of course i ran the hash block calc over every file after unflagging them :)

    xL3GITxGENERALx New Member

    Oct 26, 2011
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    just to let everyone know this also works with a usb u dont need the transfer cable unless u want 2 get it 2 an unbanned consol but other than that u can do everything else then save over the old corrupted profile on the usb & it works grate:D:):D:):D:):D

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