How to update your Jtagged Xbox 360 to Freeboot 0.032 (9199 Dash / Kernal)

Discussion in 'Xbox 360 Guides' started by InsaneNutter, Nov 3, 2010.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    This guide will show you a quick way to update your Jtagged Xbox 360 to the latest Freeboot 0.032 (9199 Dash / Kernal) without opening the console up again.

    Note: you can not totally ruin your Jtag by doing this, however if for what ever reason you mess up you will likley need to open the 360 up and re flash the nand with an LPT or USB programmer.

    I have warned you, please update at your own risk and don't blame me if something goes wrong when updating. If you follow this guide to the letter you should not have any problems :)

    You will require:

    • A backup of your original nand, only you will have this.
    • Your consoles CPU Key (See the FAQ at the bottom of this guide for help)
    • FreeBoot ToolBox Maker by BestPig
    • Flash 360
    • A usb drive formatted to FAT 32 (See the FAQ at the bottom of this guide for help)

    Creating the Freeboot nand

    First open FreeBoot ToolBox Maker. (Download)


    1. Enter your consoles CPU key, if you don't know this have a look at the bottom of this guide in the FAQ for information on how to obtain it.
    2. Un-check the auto detect motherboard box and select your motherboard type, you can use the auto detect feature if you are 100% sure you don't have a 256 / 512 Jasper.
    3. This is where your Freeboot 9199 nand will be after creating it.
    4. This is what you want the Freeboot 9199 nand to be called, select updflash.bin.
    5. Finally press this to create your Freeboot 9199 nand.

    You will be asked for the location of your original nand dump, so select it:


    FreeBoot ToolBox Maker will then go though the process of creating your FreeBoot nand:


    All been well you will have your newly created FreeBoot nand:


    Flashing the FreeBoot nand:

    Download Flash 360

    Unzip Flash 360 and copy the contents of the zip file to your Fat 32 formatted USB drive, then copy updflash.bin to the USB drive:


    Load Flash 360 from the USB Drive using FreeStyle Dash or XEX Menu:


    When Flash 360 has loaded press "A" to write updflash.bin to the nand:


    Press "B" to flash the KV/config in the FreeBoot nand:


    • Your FreeBoot nand will now be flashed to the console, when it has finished do as instructed and press any button to continue.
    • Now press back, then back again and your console will shutdown.
    • Unplug the power brick and leave it disconnected for two minutes.
    • Re connect the power brick, power the console on and if everything has gone ok your console should boot in to the 9199 Dash.


    How do i format my USB drive to Fat 32?

    Go to My Computer, right click on the USB drive and select format


    Select Fat 32 and Default allocation size, then press start.


    I don't know if my console is an Xenon, Zypher, Falcon, Jasper 16mb, Jasper 256mb or Jasper 512mb?

    To find out simply load Flash 360 like instructed in the guide above and you will be told the revision of your 360 and the nand size


    As it says in the picture this 360 is a 512mb Jasper

    How do i find out my consoles CPU key?

    1. Connect the 360 to the TV with the Component or VGA cable (Xell / Xellous do not not work with HDMI)
    2. Power on the console with the DVD eject button
    3. Have a camera ready
    4. Wait until the fuse sets are shown
    5. Take a photo quickly as they will usually scroll off the screen fast
    6. Combine fuse sets 3 and 5 or 4 and 6, this will give you the consoles CPU key

    Fuse set example:

    (Image found on Google)

    Take line 3 and 5

    3= E42D681ED06A6D1C
    5= 1FFD8E48C56A2058

    So my CPU Key is: E42D681ED06A6D1C1FFD8E48C56A2058

    Attached Files:

    Dark Scyth likes this.
  2. panget ako

    panget ako Member

    Nov 24, 2011
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    sir my console don't power when i hold the eject button how can i get my cpu key if i hold my console eject button don't start ??? pls help
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    If your console is connected to the TV with a HDMI cable use a VGA or component cable.

    If you are on XBR and not FreeBoot then you need to plug a wireless controller in the back of the console and then power the console on with the controller, again you need to connect the console to the TV with the VGA or component cable.
  4. jason79

    jason79 New Member

    Feb 4, 2012
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    Please help me. I have followed your guide and I have ran into a problem. Ok, I jtagged my xbox a while back and my FreeStyle Dash menu said that I was on 8955. I saw in your post "Easily update your Jtagged or RGH Xbox 360 to Kernel / Dashboard 14699 with XeBuild" that if you are on 8955 to follow the guide "How to update your Jtagged Xbox 360 to Freeboot 0.032 (9199 Dash / Kernal)" which I did. I downloaded freeBOOT_ToolBox_Maker24r3 in the link provided, went through the process with selecting console type "Zephyr", put in my correct cpu key which I verfied mulitple times from the picture I got by pressing the eject button on the console, and finally created the "updflash.bin" file. I then downloaded Flash360 from the link you provided and put it on a Fat32 usb flash drive along with the updflash.bin that I created. I loaded up Flash360 off of the USB drive and pressed A as instructed to "Write updflash.bin to Nand". I recieved a message about the "keyvault encrypted data check mismatch" being wrong and it was bad to continue. I looked up this error and from what I have seen people say it is ok to continue so I did. I unplugged the console after the flash for 2-3 minutes and then plugged it back up and powered. I recieved the error as if it was an E74, you knowt he one with the one red light in the bottom right quadrant? That is all the console will do now and I am afraid I have really mseed something up. Can you tell me what steps I need to try from here? If anyone reads this please help as I am stuck at this point. Thank you very much for your time!
  5. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Can you still load in to Xell? i think on 8955 you power the console on from a controller connected to the back USB port. It should load in to Xell which you can have another go at flashing your nand from.
  6. joeyma

    joeyma New Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    hi there when it's on 38 % i got this msg (you dump hs not been properly extracted the reason is unknown ) so what can i do with this
  7. n0fx

    n0fx New Member

    May 24, 2012
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    Did you ever get this resolved? I got the same error as well.

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