Ladies and gentle men somthing momentus has occured. I took my Test to become a DJ on hospital radio last night and I PASSED!!!. I now have my own show. Its on friday 2.00 - 4.00 . This means that I am now on the airwaves. I will leave that to you to decide wheather its a good thing
Well done Haloman! I'm assuming it's not live and pre recorder. If not then respect for your commitment to the job!
Congrats, that’s great news! Is it actually on the air? Or just broadcasted in the hospital? I hope it goes well for you, don’t forget to mention Digiex if you any have commercials
Its just through the hospital but I have the facilities to record it and find some way to put it online so you might be able to hear it. dont know yet though
I cant wait to head over to the UK and get hurt, so i can listen to your broadcast! I'll do my best to make sure my injury happens during the appropriate time frame.