My dad downloaded a Snes emulator on our xbox console when I was really young. My brother and I played it a ton! It was a blue background, with I believe around 800 roms. All the text is on the left most side. The last rom in the list was "Zombies ate my neighbors" but that's all I can remember. I'm almost positive it was xSnes9x as that's what it said at the top. All I really want to get from this is the music. The xbox emulator was changed and now the thing won't even turn on. I feel like the music that my brother and I heard back then is lost and only we remember it. Sorry if this isn't the right forum to post on I have no idea, I looked up xsnes9x and found someone named Nimrod on this website who made it for xbox so I was hoping he had the answer but you can't direct message someone so here I am. Thanks for reading!
Hm, I think it could be impossible to find your music because it was a user created bundle. They used mostly chiptunes or remixes from nintendo classics.
That's what I was thinknig.. I'm going to keep trying, downloading different ones until I find it. I have so much confidence that I can find it out there somewhere