I didn't know you watched such a thing. Las Vegas is on TNT every weekday at like mid-day. I don't really have one. All the shows I watch are currently still on. Heroes, Leverage, Stargate Universe, The Closer, Saving Grace...
I pretty much hate most Tv show, but there was one show that on when I was a kid that I wish lasted a bit longer Space above and beyond
It's hard to say right now what show I would bring back, as there were quite a few that I used to watch but they were cancelled. The most recent one I would want back is Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. I really enjoyed that show and wished it had more of a following.
my name is earl it was a great show and ended in the middle of a story. massive dissapointment and shouldnt have been canceled
A thousand times this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also Sarah Connor TTC, Firefly and the 4400! Shows I can't quite fathom as to why they were cancelled.
Yes it's back. The first episode is due to air on 10th June and there's also the chance of a second season. There's also the four direct to DVD films that came out not so long ago if you haven't seen them yet. For me, I think that it's between Firefly, My Name is Earl and The League of Gentlemen. But since you said one, I'd probably go with Firefly.
Hmmmm I heard that they canceled Code Monkeys and I really liked that show and the show Motor Mouths.
I think I saw one of he movies, the one with the tentacles. I really miss Futurama, because they ended it and I consider it superior to Family Guy or American Dad (even though I like them a lot)
Erm I actually think Everybody Hates Chris was a really good show when it started and when it went into it's second season. After that I think it was a little lacklustre and it seemed like the writers didn't know what else to do or where to go with the show.
Thats So Raven is terrible (no offense) I did however really enjoy Eveybody Hates Chris. Did Chris graduate or not? I remember the last episode left the story open.