Install Lights in an Xbox 360 hard drive

Discussion in 'Xbox 360 Guides' started by kookmasteraj, Oct 18, 2009.

  1. kookmasteraj

    kookmasteraj Active Member

    Jul 26, 2009
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    This tutorial will show you the proper way to install lights in your Xbox 360 hard drive.

    Items needed:

    LED's of your choice
    Hot glue gun
    A Soldering Iron
    For this tutorial we will be using a HDD that has been modified so we can see through it.

    Step 1: Take apart the HDD


    Step 2: Take out the HDD cables


    Step 3: The wires we will be modifying are the yellow and black cables


    Step 4: Strip a small section of the Yellow (5v) and Black (Ground) wire


    Step 5: Solder all the leds to the wires you have.


    Step 6: Solder a wire to the Yellow and Black wire and hot glue it to the side of the case.


    Step 7: Hot glue all the leds in the spots you would like them to be


    Step 8: Solder all the wires and leds together. Make sure that each led is attached to a wire coming from the yellow wire, and the other part of the led coming from the black wire. then reassemble your case.


    Enjoy your pimped hard drive.
    Bigdogontop, Rick, soukasy and 2 others like this.
  2. Bigdogontop

    Bigdogontop Active Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    I'm actually planning on running a connection between lights inside my 360 to lights inside the hard drive with multi color LEDs and a remote. I just need to figure out how to run the cable through the case. I haven't taken mine apart yet. Any ideas?

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