This is something I really enjoyed doing in Tribal Wars, king of the hill. It's pretty much the same concept as the Digiex Picture War, cept you don't need a picture. I will claim the hill, then someone will do something to me, and claim the hill for themselves (often involving my death/booting off the hill). Then someone will do something different to them and so on. I walk onto the hill proudly, and stand there looking cool I claim the hill.
Since I am so awesome and highly skilled, I use a lag switch and then use rockets against you. Obviously with me claiming the hill right after.
I of course sent my attack dog after you. Ripping you to pieces. I then take my throne at the top of the hill.
i throw a bone for your "attack" dog who runs after it - leaving me to proclaim myself "KING OF THE HILL"
P.KID went off to play hide and seek with the kids, leaving InsaneNutter to build a fortress out of nuts and defend the hill once again.
I threw toilet paper all over your fort of nuts... and then burn it!!! I watch you run screaming, your pants on fire. My hill!!