Sadly I don't think that will be possible as you can not upgrade to that build anymore when connecting to live.
i explained in plain text how to do it. i'm not brute forcing it. if you wanna get a DCMA or Cease and Desist for DoS'ing microsoft's server with a brute force just to get 12111 then be my guest
i just want to see what the older version looks like and my collection. could you give me a tut thnaks
I really doubt that he would make a tut and really the only way you could get it is with brute force as he said or be an extremely good guesser. So honestly you just might as well give up.
You can use programs to brute force, which will try all sorts of different combinations. The problem is if you do this you'll get in trouble with Microsoft because it'll most likely cause them a DoS from you as its almost like you'd be refreshing your browser hundreds of times in a second.
I don't have the builds hacker, I said this. I even explained how I got the list. Even getting that list was a little risky as I sent the server over 10000 requests in under 5 minutes. But all I did was check the directory. Forbidden = build exists, Not Found = build doesn't exist. You can't get the build.
At the risk of starting a flame war, xXXBOXxHACKERXx, I'm done with you. False promises, and you got what you wanted, b ut you always want more. You got 12583 from me and promised live access in return, but then ran off and started playing Black Ops Beta. No, I will not help you again, and the only reason I am still at Digiex is because thankfully there are alot better people here than you. Now, I will not be responding to any flames you have because I'm not going to annoy the mods. I just have to say this so you know why I have been ignoring you. Anyway, for everyone else, any predictions on the release build number? Lets start a fun game