i think it really depends on what u use the service for eg i used to think psn was good and all but then i realeasd sony were slow at content updates but they did always tell us for scheduled maientence but then they took 13 hours for one maientence lol they did tell us fw updates prior to launch so that we knew what to expect But sony never let any member of public test there fw versions as it requires a debug console
You're always trying their updates that they shouldn't be releasing so no need to complain. Like 3.42 with its sound problems and then 3D Blu-Ray not working correctly. Its always a beta. Everyone that owns a PS3 is a beta tester.
Kinda like Microsoft and this failed piece of crap they call a "new website" for xbox.com eh? Companies are cheap asses. Push push push, hit delivery date with least about of cost. Underpaid programmers = crappy code.
12609, which was on the server eariler, then vanished, is now back. doesn't appear to have public url structure.
Why are you complaining about the website? Everything is easier to access. You can now send replies to messages without needing to go to a whole other screen. You can now view pictures that people send you from the website now. Do you normally complain when they make improvements?
Glad it works for you. Fable 3 Char Creator gives Javascript errors in IE, Chrome and Firefox. Avatar Editor requires clicking save 3-4 times before it actually saves. And even though the website shows my new gamerpic, it still hasn't updated on the xbox itself. Oh, random 404 errors if you browse the support page, though this may have been fixed. I never said the intention of the new site sucked, I said it isn't ready for public release. They focused on all the NEW stuff yet never bothered to make it compatible with the old stuff before initial release. For all I know it could all be fixed now but it wasn't a few days ago, and releasing code that is not fully tested is unacceptable for a company trying to maintain an image above the likes of Sony. The Fable 3 preorder char creator was the real kicker. Sure, lionhead has one, but that isn't mentioned on the failing page on xbox.com. Amazon and most retailers link to the xbox.com one, which was broken by the new update. IF you are trying to promote a product, and you land on an official page that doesn't work, that speaks ill of the product and the company. Impressions are everything, and if the promotions and website don't work, why would someone who doesn't have an XBox even consider buying the game and a system, when all they have encountered was errors on the official website. Think about it from a promotional point of view.
I've never had any of those issues. I used the Avatar Editor a couple of days ago, worked quite nicely, saved after pressing once. Haven't even heard of the Fable 3 Character Creator so I can't say anything about that. Never had a 404 error once. I would say maybe there is something up with your internet but you probably shouldn't of even gotten the 404 error, so they may have been bugs but I can say I haven't had one problem so they're probably fixed. As far as releasing code that isn't fully tested. That's done all the time, it's called a bug in a video game, these things get patches as I am to assume the 360 will/has.
yeah i guess they fixed the issues fast but they overlooked alot before release hopefully the firmware team pays a bit more attention. Having a 404 error or javascript error is one thing, a random RRoD because they failed to fix a bug is another This is why I don't see the big rush for the update, its bad enough they have the 4th as a deadline. Unless of course one of those bugs opens up a jtag-type exploit
Its honestly no difference then PS3 consoles having the same problems when updating, there are quite a few reports of PS3's crapping out because of an update, probably even more then 360's and PS3 updates aren't even considered beta. Of course they should be able to get it working with no consoles crapping out, it'll never happen.