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Request: Lips DLC's

Discussion in 'Requests' started by anwes1, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. anwes1

    anwes1 New Member

    Sep 23, 2015
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    Hej Digiex users!

    I'm requesting Lips DLC or some sort of LIPS Pack for Xbox360.

    Or Reseed on digiex demo pack 9! The Lips rar file is not on the online drives that Digiex have.

    Why i request this and don't buy is the simple as I already have the game, but the DLC is out of reach. They have shutdown the LIPS online servers years ago.

    So if anyone have the Lips DLC's or have the demo pack 9 complete please contact me.

    Thanks in Advance and have a good day! :)

    / Anwes1

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