Nice, I clicked on order here. It look like it was free till it got to the shipping part. They wanted 24.95 to ship one cd. Thats crazy, they could easily ship that for less than 1 dallor.
This weeks arcade games are: Beat'n Groovy (800 points) MLB Stickball (800 points) Shadow Assault/Tenchu (800 points)
I need to update this post a bit, I kind of forgot about it since my last update. If anyone can help with the arcade games I’ve missed since the middle of September that would be great. Nah its still Heavy Weapon or Geometry Wars 2 for me
Thanks, added it to the list. That’s quite a good game too. Sadly I kind of forgot about the list so its a bit out dated, if anyone can help fill in the missing games that would be great.
its cool that they allow games to be downloaded to the console.. but i think that they should allow us to download the games from the disk, then play with out the disk
Indeed that would be handy, I have a few arcade games on a disc I forgot about as there only trial games unless the disc is in. My idea is to give a redeemable code away that can be used to tie the games to your gamertag, however that would still mean someone else could use the cd and get the games without paying.
And wouldnt they maybe crack games like that with a patch or some sort of keygen for x box (if it even exists) that you could maybe get from some kinda website like cracks for the patch to make it a full version?? but if somebody does that wouldnt it affect your x box live in some way?
You can’t run unsigned code on the Xbox 360 so there’s no chance anyone could even attempt to modify/crack/hack an arcade game.
I cant afford microsoft points xD I have to pay for the live and stuff... Damn why cant live be free Otherwise i would get Geometry Wars 2, Duke Nukem 3D, Portal Still Alive and more
Just noticed the Wolfenstein 3D hit the arcade the other day for only 400 MS Points. That is quite the steal if you ask me.