Living A Digital Existence Week 13

Discussion in 'News and Article Submission' started by MunkyMagikUK, Jan 6, 2009.

  1. MunkyMagikUK

    MunkyMagikUK Digiex Blogger

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Huddersfield, United Kingdom
    Living A Digital Existence Week 13

    Well, a new year has begun, but don’t worry, your Living a Digital Existence blog still remains! This week, I’m having a bit of trouble sleeping (yes, I AM writing this at 5.30 in the morning :|), and so thought I would share with you some of my thoughts I’ve been having whilst the nights drag on...


    The other night I had rather an in depth chat with one of my friends about our society as a whole, and one of the topics which came up was what it is to be normal. Basically it came about because I don’t really tend to make friends with people who society would class as “normal”, as to be quite honest, find these people to be very boring. I make friends with people who some might say are “weird” but to me, they’re interesting, and often very nice people. We then got onto the topic of Chavs and “chav culture”, in which they will try and start a fight with you for no apparent reason. What I couldn’t understand is how they could possibly start a fight with someone, when they don’t know them at all and are basing it on whether, to them, they look “normal”. People’s perceptions of what normal is are all different, but to me, there is no such thing as “normal”. Everyone is different, and yes, there are those who follow trends, and in my opinion, they need to find out who they really are, and not be afraid to be that person. It’s those who are their own person, and are truly unique, that are “normal” to me.

    Insomnia and feet

    A couple of weeks ago, I was talking with my brother about ghosts and things I think, and he was reciting a story to me, and I said to him, “to be honest, I don’t believe in that stuff at all.” In bewilderment and amazement, he turned to me and said, “so you don’t believe in the supernatural?!”

    My answer to this, is no.

    I don’t think that I’m pessimistic about the supernatural, but I believe there is enough brilliance and great stuff in the natural world to compensate. I mean, take the theory of natural selection as an example. I’d like to agree with one of my favourite comics, Tim Minchin, on this subject on this subject, and shall recite a story of his.

    I love the idea that an individual can mutate, but in a good way, and in mutating, it can provide an evolutionary breakthrough for that whole species.

    The theory of natural selection is great science, I think about it all the time, and imagine what it must’ve been like for these mutant freaks, at school and stuff. I mean at my school you got bullied for wearing the wrong clothes, but these guys have whole new appendages!

    And also, I want to know how they learned how to use their new bits. I mean did it just come naturally to them? Imagine you’re a fish, just swimming in the sea, and suddenly, Tony turns around and says “That’s it, I’m getting out.” All his friends turn around and “Don’t be stupid Tony, you’re a fish!”. But no, Tony gets out, and suddenly sprouts a couple of legs! It’s mind boggling stuff!

    And imagine what Tony would think if he knew that a few short hundreds of billions of years in the future one of his distant ancestors, a Jew called Jesus had nails put through his feet, the very feet Tony gave him, as a punishment because he had a belief in a god who was created by man to explain the existence of feet, in the absence of the knowledge of the existence of Tony! I think it would just blow his fishy mind!

    So yes, a rather random Living A Digital Existence this week, but as I say, it is now 6 in the morning, I have college in 3 hours, and I think I’m going slightly mad!

    Until next time...


  2. Trebor

    Trebor Dolphin Fan

    Jun 1, 2007
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    West Yorkshire
    Wouldn't you going mad make you less normal and more interesting? :D.

    Joking aside, very nice blog post again this week MunkyMagik. I did notice a few mistakes so if you want me to correct them let me know. If not sort them out yourself then :P.

    For me personally I don't feel like I'm normal in the eyes of others. To me I think I'm normal but I don't really care how others view me, just as long as I can get along with them. If everybody were the same we'd probably have gotten bored of each other and died out a very long time ago. Thankfully we aren't and so we can take the piss out of chavs, hurray!

    On believing in supernatural things, I think I'm the same as you MunkyMagik. I don't believe anything supernatural occurs unless I see it for myself (nothing yet). That doesn't mean I hate anything supernatural as I love watching the TV show of the same name as well as Sanctuary, Buffy etc. I like the stories that can be based around supernatural things more than the fact that somethings meant to be good just because something supernatural is in it. I'm going to have to watch more things from Tim Minchin. He was on the Xmas special of the Graham Norton Show and he did a very funny music piece about blow up dolls.
  3. MunkyMagikUK

    MunkyMagikUK Digiex Blogger

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Huddersfield, United Kingdom
    You sort out the mistakes Trebor, I can't be bothered to read through it all haha :)

    And yep, he's amazing, even better live! I'll lend you his DVD sometime, it's brilliant!
  4. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    To be honest I don’t think you can really define normal, I’ve read your blog, thought about it and concluded normal probably has a different meaning to everyone.

    I don’t think it’s normal that people can go around starting fights with any random person.

    To someone who does that they probably feel it’s normal because their mates do the same and probably feel like they earn respect for doing so.

    Everyone is different, if we were all the same the world would be a boring place and nothing like it is today.

    On the subject of Insomnia I’ve found if you make some hot chocolate, sit in bed watching a TV show or movie drinking it you will soon be asleep. Hot chocolate in general seems to knock me out on a night.
  5. Safinn

    Safinn Addict

    Aug 27, 2008
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    United Kngdom
    "Everyone is different, if we were all the same the world would be a boring place and nothing like it is today."

    It would probably be better because everyone would be freinds and wars and fights would not happen so many people would be better off.
  6. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    True in that sense we would be better off, I was thinking about people in general , I’m sure they must be certain things you like about a some people that makes them different to everyone else.
  7. Icharus_Falling

    Icharus_Falling Resident

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Tennessee (OMFG its horrible)
    what the hell is a "Chav"?
  8. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    This guy is a prime example of a chav (he's not an actor)

    "Chav, a term applied to certain young people in the United Kingdom. The stereotypical image of a chav is a white aggressive teen or young adult, of working class background, who wears branded sports and casual clothing (baseball caps are also common) who often fights and engages in petty criminality" - Wikipedia
  9. ORaBi

    ORaBi Member

    Jan 10, 2009
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    Interesting video
  10. wagner

    wagner Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2008
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    There is no such thing as normal people just feel safer and more in control when they can group each other(Normal/Weird/Stupid/Smart)

    I wish there was something supernatural out there,But I doubt it.

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