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Marble Blast Ultra Xbox Live Arcade Download (Delisted from XBLA)

Discussion in 'Delisted Marketplace Content' started by InsaneNutter, Apr 14, 2011.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England

    About the game:

    Marble Blast Ultra (commonly abbreviated as MBU) is a 3D puzzle/action game involving a marble developed by GarageGames. It was released on January 25, 2006 for the Xbox 360 via Xbox Live Arcade. It is the sequel to Marble Blast Gold. It features 60 brand new levels, enhanced graphics, 2 new power-ups and a multiplayer mode. A PC port of the game under the title Marble Blast Online was playable exclusively at InstantAction until the website was shut down. As of year-end 2010, Marble Blast Ultra has sold over 756,000 copies.

    On February 12th 2011 Marble Blast Ultra was delisted from the Xbox Live Arcade service. GarageGames, are now a subsidiary of Graham Software Development retained the rights to the Torque Engine which powers Marble Blast Ultra, but not the rights to the game. Game rights are property of InstantAction Holdings. GarageGames CEO Eric Preisz said that it was "unlikely" that the studio would reacquire the rights to its games.


    Download Marble Blast Ultra

    How to use / play / unlock / additional information:

    This game will work as the trial game on any Xbox 360, it can however be unlocked to work as the full game for Jtag hacked Xbox 360's using YarisSwap.

    More information on delisted Xbox Live Arcade games

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    HaxAras and gatekeeper1122 like this.
  2. DRO Krazed

    DRO Krazed Elite Member

    Sep 8, 2010
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    they delisted this game this is like the funnest game to play
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I know, i purchased this when it was released many years ago.
    People still play this on Xbox Live too!
  4. gatekeeper1122

    gatekeeper1122 New Member

    Jan 3, 2019
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    this game is like the far best arcade game i ever played on xbox 360 too bad i cant own it officially on my retail but i can play it on my J-Tag & to top it off i have all the DLC content ever released for this game idk if any1 will come by this but heres everything i have found enjoy
    btw all 3 DLC require a modified xbox like a J-Tag or RGH to use or they show up as corrupt on retail but with the profile pictures they can be used on retail or J-Tag or RGH

    Attached Files:

    HaxAras, Gunz4Hire and InsaneNutter like this.
  5. cesar12

    cesar12 New Member

    Jul 24, 2021
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    Los dlc donde los descargo?

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