Anyone here had a look at the new 'mega upload'? Long before it hit the news I was waiting for the launch date so I could join, half because sites like 'media fire' are tightening there policies on the content they allow you to upload and share and half - I have to admit- because the rebel in me wanted to see what Kim Dotcom's answer to 'megaupload' being shut down was and how the drama might play out..... like the guy or not you have to admire the mans brazen cheek! So 10 minutes after the site went on line I sighed up and what came on screen looked impressive... the promise of total encryption for one, even as you sign in ...... also the cloud sharing function is quite unique for a free file and image hosting web site with the promise of.... The user page is simple and well designed and everything looked impressive, unfortunately though I couldn't even upload a 95kb image file let alone a music,video or software file and that was the same with half a dozen friends of mine that had also signed up for the site. I went from the premise that it must be because the site is bogged down with traffic to the suspicion that Kim Dotcom had set up a dummy site just for the media attention a year after 'mega upload' was taken down and the fact that his extradition hearing was fast approaching and all but gave up on it. I gave it one last try yesterday and I'm quite happy to say that I was wrong, my original conclusion about being flooded by traffic was right and the site is fully least where I am so just wondering if any one here has tried it and if so what kind of upload results are you getting? If not then check it out, it looks like it may be a very successful site..... provided that is that New Zealand doesn't bend under pressure from the states and take it down! If your signing up for the first time then don't use firefox like I did, the site hardly moved! I not a big fan of 'chrome' so I'm using 'comodo dragon' which is my second choice of browser anyway and uses the chrome engine.... I'm only managing around 198kb/s but my service isn't the best where I am so am interested in what can be done on it....?? BC
Won't be long till it gets hit again in reality though with it having such a huge media attraction before, It has made its way on to xbmc builds so could be an interesting time for Kim Dotcom