There is a new show on Fox called Mental. It is similar to House, but very different I think. The show is about a doctor that takes over the psych ward of a hospital. His techniques are questionable, just like House's. The guy that plays the doctor also played James Whistler from the Prison Break series. I have only seen one episode of this show but so far it is fantastic! Has anyone else seen it? And if so, what do you think?
Sounds like something i'd watch, would love to have the blessing of getting FOX network in S.A, or majority of the network's that you guy's have in the States... I suppose im going to have to get that serie's the way i got another FOX show (Prison Break) ..... The Pirate Way....
Perfect timing Killer, Ive just actually watched the last episode of House Series 5. Ill check this out and let you know what I think of it, sounds like it could be something I will enjoy. Perfect timing Killer, Ive just actually watched the last episode of House Series 5. Dont worry i shall be asking channel bittorrent for the episode too, I dont think the show will have aired anywhere else apart from the USA at the moment.
Ill also look around where else i could get it from and see.... Unfortunately The Pirate Bay is out of the question tho....
I watched the first two episodes of this when you recommended the show, I found it a bit different is the word I think I’m looking for, not too sure about the show yet I keep expecting house and his team to walk through the door. The guy who kept hallucinating about the aliens was also in Prison Break for the first two series, he played a guy with similar problems in that too.
Yes you are right Nutter. This show is really great though. I am currently watching the latest episode right now. It is about an 8 year old boy that hallucinates that he is playing a game in his head and thinks it is real. It really seems fascinating to me. I can see how it seems similar to House, but it is really starting to come into its own as a show. Hope you can check out the the next few episodes and give it a chance.