Of course not! Rustwick, how dare you Ask Nimrod and Nutter and anybody else. I am indeed a sensible 16 year old, you hurt my feelings... I'm done with skidmarks anyways.
I found this site on 27-08-08 when I was looking for a Red Alert 3 BETA Key and Digiex was having a competition on Mini Put and the winner got the key. I won obviously! Stuck around ever since.
Hi all! Just joined as I found the PS3 jailbreak tut for the iphone 3g and let me say that it is one of the best ones I've seen so far on the web! I have a feeling I'll be around for awhile. I like the layout. Cheers! KJ
Well I Like Joing Things I Seen The Video Kinect Dash Video So I Thought Id Download It Then I Thought I'd Join
I found Digiex after some rigorous internet searching after hearing that it was possible to download and burn Demos to disc, which hadnt been released in my territory yet. So many good things have come out of here since
First post, I joined up for 360 title updates... looked around and looks like a resourceful community, I will be staying and contributing where i can
Well after not being forced into an arranged marriage or even coaxed by an Admin i decided to join the site after reading some posts about various games and deciding that the conversation was grown up (excepting the random canadian) and i decided to stay Its great Steve