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Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Salzy75, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. Salzy75

    Salzy75 Member

    Feb 12, 2013
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    Hamilton NJ, USA
    Hello everyone. I'm a new member I need some help knowing where to post and what not. I have gotten alot of useful info off this site and it seems to be the most descriptive and gets answers directly to questions asked. The threads stay on subject and are to the point. How I got here was I started fixing red ringed Xbox 360's for fun and now I'm addicted. I have fixed e74, e76, 0102, 0110 and a dozen more. I have one problem though. I have fixed about 18 xboxes. I use XVal to see if they are banned. I have an xbox i recently fixed works great but i plugged it into the network and it updated to dash board 2.0.16203.0 the lastest dash and for the life of me I cannot connect to xbox live and I get no error messages it just fails the test between internet and xbox live. I went as far as plugging it in directly to the modem so I know something is up as I have 2 other xboxes on the same network and they connect no problem. All my ports i need open are on the router. Something is up and Im pulling my hair out I wanted to give this one to my neighbors son. What can be the problem.? Sorry if this post is in the wrong place and it seems very long but I'm just trying to give everyone and understanding about myself and what I can an have done. Im a union electrictian who loves electronic work and at the moment im stuck on repairing xbox 360's and modding console cases and controllers with leds and windows and designs. Thanks and a pleasure to join the community!:D
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Hey and welcome to the forum!

    Have you looked in the consoles network settings? ensure its is set to obtain and IP address and DNS settings automatically. If these have been set to manual by the previous owner that will be giving you issues.

    I believe there is also an option to factory reset the console somewhere in the settings menu, try that too.
  3. Salzy75

    Salzy75 Member

    Feb 12, 2013
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    Hamilton NJ, USA
    Yeah. I tried factory reset. Tried manual settings. Hours of research. Just dont get it. Pretty computet savy set up networks. I really am confused. Wish i knew what the error status codes meant that u can obtain by pressing y button after selecting more info after connection test fail?
  4. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    What's the error code? best thing to do would be to Google it and see.
  5. Salzy75

    Salzy75 Member

    Feb 12, 2013
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    Hamilton NJ, USA
    Sorry. Im not explaining well. I get no actual error code i just get the status error codes when i hit the y button
    A: my ip address
    G: my gateway
    D: my ip addresses
    I tried googling for hours i read. Youtube. Xboxexperts. No one can figure it out. Only thing i seemed to have learned is that ifZ: is all 0's xbox is not banned. Thanks again for all ur help and i greatly appreciate the quick responses

    Your help is greatly appreciated I have already learned a great deal from ur threads elsewhere on forums before becoming amember
  6. Salzy75

    Salzy75 Member

    Feb 12, 2013
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    Hamilton NJ, USA
    Common Nutter u gotta know somebody on forums who can help me with this. Depending on u bro
  7. Rick

    Rick Moderator

    Jul 14, 2010
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    The Matrix
    Unplug the modem's power then connect the xbox to that port. Connect the power and try the network test after a few minutes.
  8. Salzy75

    Salzy75 Member

    Feb 12, 2013
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    Hamilton NJ, USA
    Again thanks for the reply. I don't know how to say this. I'm past all the basic options. I have 3 xboxes on this network up and running. I tried restore to factory defaults. I tried powering down router, modem, switches numerous times. I tried different internet ports. I tried opening all the proper ports on router. I tried a Direct connection to the modem bypassing the router after turning off power to router for tem minutes and letting it boot up. Dindint work. Powered down modem again. Hooked Modem back up to router all xboxes besides this one connecting to live. Trusted Xbox that is giving problem on Mcafee. Trusted in home network group. Tried Manually giving Xbox an ip. Same error when I select more info " Theres a problem with your connect select more info on how to fix it" I run Cat5e Cat6 Cabling at work I wire networks I hook up servers. I wire electrical services. I install camera systems I understand all the basic troubleshooting methods and have gone over them. I fix electronics, solder 0603's to boards, fix the Dvd drives in xboxes, never flashed any I just swap the PCB dvd drive boards its fast and easy. I used XVal program to check if this consoles serial number is banned it came up SecData Clean. WTF man this is annoying. The above post if someone can tell me what those codes mean maybe I can understand where lies the problem because it sure doesnt seem like the network after a direct connection to the modem bypassing the router failed. I get no error messages no banned message, just that I'm connected to the internet but can't connect to live no matter how I hook up the xbox, settings I use, automatic, manual, restore factory settings, its all the same outcome. So confused and frustrated. This is what exactly happened. The first time after repairing the red ring of death I turned on while wired to internet it had Halo for inside it said update available I clicked yes it updated and I was never able to get on live. Today I turned on an Xbox that I watched a movie on from Xbox video. There was an update I clicked yes everything worked fine. Before the movie There was a short update, today it took maybe 5-10 min. I thought that Microsoft may have released another update, so I burned the update to a cd from Xboxlive/update support site, popped it in the xbox not working and it said my xbox was up to date, now can u guys see how far I have come with this. WTF can be going on man, someone plz help this is ridiculous at this point.
    Thanks to all members who look at this and Thanks for all ur input.
  9. Salzy75

    Salzy75 Member

    Feb 12, 2013
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    Hamilton NJ, USA
    And one more thing just to clear up any questions. Watched numerous youtube videos on this. Googled it as many ways as possible read and tried almost everything. I'm about to just call Microsoft not tell them anything about repairing, kind of afraid to say purchased it second hand and can't get on live because I know its a violation of their agreement from reading there rules and regulations last night thats why I haven't called and I'm reaching out to all u fine gentlemen out there that have been dealing with xboxes for years now. Thank you all:)
  10. Rick

    Rick Moderator

    Jul 14, 2010
    Likes Received:
    The Matrix
    Salzy75 likes this.
  11. Salzy75

    Salzy75 Member

    Feb 12, 2013
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    Hamilton NJ, USA
    Thank u. That's what I plan on doing, and after reading around these forums I see that this is not really the place to keep posting about this as this is for a welcome to new members part of the forum. Thanks again for all u guys help and I'll definitely talk to u guys around the site as I have found some very intrestesting downloads and software I will use on this xbox if I cannot resolve this issue. It will be my test subject as it doesn't connect to live anyway I will never try to sign in on it if this keeps up for a long period of time. Again thanks to u Rick and Nutter. Nutter you have some really great tutorials here. Amazing. Great work man, as I have already used the Hddhkr to make some 320gb hdd for xbox 360's and your information on dashboard programs and everything else are awesome. Thumbs up!!!!

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