New Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes Gameplay Trailer

Discussion in 'News and Article Submission' started by Neoteam1, Sep 2, 2012.

  1. Neoteam1

    Neoteam1 Addict

    Apr 10, 2011
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    United Kingdom
    Today at PAX Konami the company behind the game Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes have released the first ever preview of a piece of gameplay from the game. The gameplay that was shown off at PAX was run on Kojima's Fox Engine. Kojima himself has stated that Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes is a prologue and that he wasn't going to say that it is Metal Gear Solid 5. Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes puts players into the shoes of Snake. Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes will be coming to the PS3 and no release date has been announced.

    In the gameplay that was shown off at PAX we start off looking at a rain-drenched prison camp. Gamer's will take notice of what Kojima's Fox Engine has done to the game. Soon players take notice of a man with a mutilated face and wide-brimmed hat leading troops from the prison camp into a mission. After that the gameplay kicks into gear as Snake moves into position outside of the camp. Kojima also confirmed that Snake will be able to comandeer and pilot nearby vehicles. Another thing Kojima showed off was that Snake will be able to deploy a flare at any time to call in a friendly helicopter. Finally Kojima confirmed that he is personally creating Ground Zeroes.

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