After being a big fan of the original Nike Fuelband (despite having it break down 3 times on me, on which every occasional Nike send me a new one while my old one was shipped off to Belgium) I decided to treat myself to the new Nike+ Fuelband SE for Christmas. It has this promises of being even better, more durable and having a great new session feature. So naturally one assumes they fixed a lot of the bugs from the previous version! All was going well, I ordered direct from the Nike Store online and it got delivered by UPS two days later. Got all nicely wrapped up and went under the tree (long story short, my parents are useless at buying presents so I order my own and they pay for it then give it to me for Christmas). Come the 25th, open my present with excitement (heck, I knew what it was, but I do love opening presents) only to reveal my Nike Fuelband SE which was shipped from Nike has Scuff / Scratch marks all over the front display as seen below It seems to me that either they are putting poorly refurbished units into new sales (so there not actually new…) or they just have poor quality control on any shipped new units. At £130 a go for a unit which likely only costs £10-20 to make, one would expect damn good quality control! I should note the Fuelband was fully operational, it was just a cosmetic issue. However its hard not to feel Christmas was a little bit ruined. When I had some spare time during the day I wrote an email to Nike Support and included the picture from above and explained the situation. Boxing day morning (26th for our international readers) a really friendly person from Nike Customer Service got back to me, apologized about it and offered me the option of returning the item at Nike’s expense to their support center in Belgium, but as a gesture of good will (Christmas spirit and all, though the reality is I know they do this often as they offered it to me when my first Fuelband broke) they will ship my new Fuelband replacement out straight away. Now give them credit, at this moment while It’s still bad the item arrived damaged, at least Nike’s customer support was quick to answer during the holiday period and offer a quick solution. The turnaround for this would be just a few days instead of the usual 3 week period of replacement. So I think fantastic, pack up the fuelband in an envelope and race it down with the prepaid postage label to my local UPS drop off zone which was open on the 26th. 10 minutes after dropping it off, the UPS tracking number went to ‘In Transit’ and I contacted Nike Support to let them know so they can get the new device out. This is where it all went wrong. Instead of helpful Barry getting back to me, I had someone called Jacob reply back saying they wouldn’t ship a replacement until my old unit arrived and was processed 7-10 days later. This is going against exactly what Barry said in writing in the support ticket just two hours earlier. Assuming Jacob was just being lazy and not doing his job and reading the entire ticket I reply back explain that I have in writing an agreement with Barry that if I returned it they would get me a new one out straight away. I also put that it’s the least they can do considering its Christmas and they just ruined it. 5 hours later and no reply so I took it up with NikeSupport on twitter. After they got back to me, I DM’ed my Ticket number and asked for help, or if Barry can get back to me as Jacob isn’t looking after me and going against a written contract of replacement (by the way Nike, that’s illegal). They message me back the below. That’s where we are now, I’ve lost my Fuelband (well, its currently in UPS network) and Nike dispite promising me a quick turnaround with a fresh new order sent straight away have now gone back on their word and expect me to wait another 3 weeks for a replacement unit. I pointed out to them that IF I had known this, I would have driven up to their London store and got it replaced in person. To sum this all up: Nike are shipping poorly refurbished units (or have seriously quality control issues) to customers who are buying Fuelbands on their online store. When customers question the goods, they are lied to, to drop the item off and when there is no turning back Nike go back on their word. I’m pretty sure this is bordering on illegal from Nike’s behalf, but I’m going to give them a few more days to get back to me on it. Bottom line: This is how Nike treat’s its customers in general (and also at Christmas). My advice, don't order direct from Nike ever.