Backing up your 3DS's system nand is important before getting started in the world of 3DS hacks and homebrew. Like with anything technology related, if you have a backup you can usually fix something you have broken at a later date. If you have a working backup of your 3DS's nand you are able to restore this if you are unfortunate enough to brick your 3DS. If you don't have a nand backup then you are out of luck, you can't use a backup from someone else's console! You have convinced me it would be a good idea to dump / backup my 3DS's nand, how can i do this? Backing up (dumping) the system nand on an Nintendo 3DS, 3DS XL, 2DS and New 3DS. To backup your systemnand we are going to use the Gateway Flashcard launcher for this, however don't worry you do not need to actually have purchased a Gateway flashcard to make use of this feature. All you need is a 3DS on firmware 2.0 to 9.2. 1. To start ensure you have set up the 3DS to connect to your wireless network, as you will need an internet connection to launch the exploit that will let you dump your nand. 2. Download the Gateway Launcher 3. Unzip this to the root of your 3DS's SD card 4. You are now ready to dump your 3DS's nand, ensure you have at least 1gb of free space on the 3DS's SD card. 5. To start you want to load the 3DS's web browser: 6. To make things quicker and easier i personally find editing an existing bookmark is the easiest way to trigger the exploit, to do this press menu: 7. Then click the bookmarks icon: 8. Now edit one of the existing bookmarks by clicking the spanner icon next to it, it doesn't really matter which one: 9. I simply called the bookmark Gateway, the important thing here is to change the address to: Code: Then press confirm to save the changes: 10. Now you need to turn Wi-Fi on using the switch on the side of your 3DS, otherwise you will get this notification below: 11. To trigger the exploit, with the 3DS's Wi-Fi turned on you simply want to press Menu > Bookmarks > then click on the Gateway bookmark we added, this will then trigger the exploit to load the Gateway Launcher: 12. All been well you should now see the Gateway menu: Now use the d pad and select Backup System Nand: Press "Start" to backup the System nand: This will take a few minutes to complete, when the backup has finished press "A" to exit: Your nand has now been dumped to the 3DS's internal SD card, you now want to power the 3DS off and connect the 3DS's internal SD Card to your PC. You should see your NAND.bin file as shown above, copy the NAND.bin file to your PC. I would recommend you burn this to a CD too or back it up on a cloud storage account. That's it, you have dumped your system nand, hopefully you will never need this backup. However if you do at least you now have it! Just remember to keep a copy in multiple locations.