Obtain the Wii U's OTP via IOSU kernel exploit

Discussion in 'Nintendo Wii U Guides' started by InsaneNutter, Oct 16, 2016.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    It's now possible to obtain your Wii U's unique OTP, via an IOSU kernel exploit on Wii U firmware version 5.5.1.

    The OTP is essentially information unique to your Wii U, which could be very beneficial in the future for loading custom firmware on the Wii U. You should not share your OTP key with anyone.

    To get started you should have first followed my Easy Nintendo Wii U Homebrew Channel Hack Guide [5.3.2, 5.4, 5.5.1] - you will learned have everything you need following that guide to proceed with this tutorial.

    Obtaining the Wii U's OTP via IOSU kernel exploit:

    If you do not already have the homebrew app IOSuOTP on your SD card then simply download IOSuOTP and unzip it to your SD Card.

    You should now have an iosuotp folder on your Wii U's SD card in the wiiu\apps folder, which contains the required .elf to load iosuotp:


    You now simply want to load IOSU OTP from the homebrew launcher menu:



    The Wii U will have now crashed, however you consoles unique OTP will be displayed on the TV.

    Photograph this for safe keeping and don't share the photo with anyone.

    If all you see is 00000000 then the OTP has failed to be extracted, simply power the the Wii U and try again.


    That's it, you now have your Wii U's unique OTP data, obtained via an IOSU kernel exploit. Your now ready for any additional developments in the Wii U homebrew scene, such as custom firmware.

    Attached Files:

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