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Party Buffalo Drive Explorer - Explorer content on your 500GB++ Jtag disc.

Discussion in 'Apps (PC)' started by DvineD, Dec 6, 2010.

  1. DvineD

    DvineD Member

    Dec 3, 2010
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    Hi, I found this recently - And the lack of applications that does this, is huge... So I choose to share it, and hopefully some newer to the scene can benefit from this.

    I used a lot of time to find an app like this, since FTP can sometimes be a slow task.

    Here is link for download; MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
    It has auto update included, and will update itself after install.

    It works very well, use your cable and plug your harddrive in.
    Windows 7 - remember to run as admin.

    I myself, am having some problems with it as of now, but it worked the last 3 days, and since its beta, that is what to be expected.

    It's the only app, next to one OVERpriced crap app out there.

    But it's a GREAT APP. Enjoy... (H)

    Source; [beta] Party Buffalo Drive Explorer - Scenyx Entertainment Community
    (Help the creator make the application better in this thread)
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2010
    stto_22 and gatekeeper1122 like this.

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