[TUTORIAL] Change ID Backup Manager I will try to clarify some issues: * The Backup Manager comes standard with a random ID that is easily detectable by Sony * With this tutorial we will change the Random ID for a known ID * In this example we will take the demo of Blur, but everyone should bring an ID of a game demo or retail, so we have different ID's backup manager, so it will be one more stone in the detection by Sony What we need: * Make_package_npdrm.exe (included in post called release.rar) * PS3-package-GUI.rar * HxDSetupEN.zip * PS3SFOEdit.zip Steps: 1 .- Run the PS3 package Gui 2 .- Within the GUI where I put one, ought to put the location of the file make_package_npdrm.exe. Where to put two, you catch the mouse file backup manager and arrastrais to that window. PKG Apretáis to Extract 3 .- LAUN12345 I open a directory and files within ICON0.PNG, USRDIR PARAM.SFO and directory where you are in the EBOOT.BIN 4 .- Well we have unpacked the Backup Manager, now we have to do is find the ID of a game or demo that we original. In this case, use the Blur demo: * We take the demo pkg file and make_package_npdrm.exe and we place it in a directory, eg c: \ kkPS3 * Execute the CMD windows and run: make_package_npdrm-v Blur-demo.pkg. We will leave the following information: * In the case of the Blur demo ContentID = EP0002-NPEB90250_00-BLURGAMEDEMO0001, so the ID is: NPEB90250 and the Content ID is: EP0002-NPEB90250_00-BLURGAMEDEMO0001 5 .- Now you have your ID and the demo, edit the file PARAM.SFO for PS3SFOEdit execute what we give to load, load the BackupManager PARAM.SFO and change ONLY the following: Title: Backup Manager -> Blur Demo Online Title_id: LAUN12345 -> NPEB90250 6 .- Now you must edit the EBOOT.BIN, for which the publisher will execute and load the EBOOT.BIN HxD (File, open ,...) * We will 00050BD0 addresses and 00,051,010 and where we will put ....../LAUN12345 ...../LAUN12345/GAMEZ ......./NPEB90250 and where it says / will ...... ../NPEB90250/GAMEZ / * Once changed, we SAVE. 7 .- We have changed everything and now we have to compile and create the PKG, for which he will continue the great tutorial created by Buddy_x that without him would not make sense this tuto: Warning: There is a GUI and you must have a minimum knowledge of the concepts that are discussed here. It is NOT asking MPS send me explain how. No more explanation than what I put here, except for some detail that I have missed. Something that will solve of course ... ------------------------------ THE PACKAGING PKG ------------------------------ COMPILE THE PKG. 1 .- We got the following link this software: MSys (included in the Post, MSYS-1.0.11.rar) 2 .- Install the software, is simple. In all SI although you may see errors. 3 .- We open the program double click and open a terminal emulation. 4 .- Key in: "cd / etc" and press Enter 5 .- Create a folder on your desktop with the name you want, for example, "Root" 6 .- It is necessary to copy the entire folder that contains the famous make_package_npdrm.exe win32 version 7 .- MSys We return to the Desktop and create the folder or desktop, depending on the version of Windows that you use. 8 .- To create MSys you type in "mkdir Desktop" and press Enter. 9 .- MSys Now you type in "notepad / etc / fstab" 10 .- In our notepad we have to mount our previously created folder, by typing the following: XXX = corresponds to your Windows paths leading to the Desktop. C: \ xxxx \ username \ DESKTOP / home / xxxxxx / Desktop 11 .- We keep on the notepad. 12 .- To have the commands in the MSys and work more easily, now you type in the MSys: "Export PATH = $ PATH: / home/XXXXX/Desktop/Root/host-win32/bin" 13 .- Finally, we set in the directory you wish to work. For example, you copy the unpacked on your desktop. I have unpacked one called BCES00032 (SingStar) and as such I copied to the desktop. To complile, we stand in our MSys in our working directory "cd Desktop /". In my example I have copied BCES00032 to the desktop, so we have access to this folder by typing "cd BCES00032." Finally type "and after following the first steps of the tutorial, you compile the PKG typing only" make_package_nprdm "and press Enter. We created the PKG on the desktop where we unpacked PKG we have previously modified. This is the result ... XXX Tapo with data that are not relevant. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xxxxxx@nombre del equipo ~/Desktop/BCES00032 $ make_package_npdrm Package Configuration: ContentID = EP0002-BCES00032_00-SINGSTARDEMOBRD1 Klicensee = 0xC0A3B3641C2AD1EF23153A48A3E12FE7 DRMType = Free ContentType = GameExec PackageVersion = 01.00 # QA_Digest : 0xF121F1DC65323BF777CD9DFC71A86FC0 # Packaged by : make_package_npdrm revision 1061 Generate Package : "EP0002-BCES00032_00-SINGSTARDEMOBRD1.pkg" Entry list: [4 entries] raw data: PARAM.SFO raw data: ICON0.PNG directory: USRDIR NPDRM SELF: USRDIR/EBOOT.BIN xxxxxx@nombre del equipo ~/Desktop/BCES00032 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kudos to the PS3-Scene Say thanks if it helped ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PS3 SDK not included ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATED PS3 SDK 1.6 is available via the Digiex FTP, thread will be posted on Members Hideout