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Pokemon Berry Glitch Shiny Zigzagoon JPN GameCube Distribution Download

Discussion in 'Pokemon Demos & Bonus Discs' started by Professor Oak, Jan 11, 2018.

  1. Professor Oak

    Professor Oak Pokemon Professor

    Jan 3, 2017
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    Pallet Town
    About the JPN Pokemon Berry Glitch Shiny Zigzagoon Distribution:

    This is the Japanese Pokemon Berry Glitch Shiny Zigzagoon distribution, this was found on the Japanese Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disc from January 2004.

    The name of the glitch comes from the fact that on Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire the first thing a player will usually notice is that all Berries that have been planted have ceased growing. The glitch occurs 366 days after the game is first started, or 366 days after the internal battery is replaced.

    Specially-marked demo discs were released to select stores across Japan, allowing players can visit these stores and download the patch from the disc. In addition, players will also receive a Shiny Zigzagoon holding a Liechi Berry as a bonus. However, since the demo disc program does not block fixed games, players can receive multiple Zigzagoon by downloading to the same cartridge again.

    So with this demo disc you are able to get multiple shiny Zigzagoon's and fix the berry glitch on your JPN Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire games, result!

    Interesting Information:

    What is interesting about the Japanese Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disc from January 2004 is that the Pokemon Berry Glitch Shiny Zigzagoon doesn't appear to appear in the menus from what I can tell. However if you explore the file system on the disc you will find it exists under local > tgc > Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.tgc

    You can extract the Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.tgc from the ISO and load it in the Dolphin emulator, you can also convert it to an ISO to use on real hardware with TGCtoGCM. However i've not been able to get this to work on real hardware, it will just crash to a black screen. Any help with this would be welcome.

    For the banner details you will find the name of the disc is "ジラーチ配布ディスク2003年6月" which translates to "Jilachi Distribution Disk June 2003."

    The banner description is "新ポケモン ジラーチが君の手に!" which roughly translates to "New Pokemon Jirachi is in your hands!"

    So we can speculate the JPN Pokemon Berry Glitch Shiny Zigzagoon Distribution distribution is based on the the Wishing Star Jirachi distribution, which was distributed from June 1 to August 24, 2003 in Japan.


    jpn-berry-glitch-fix-zigzagoon-1.jpg jpn-berry-glitch-fix-zigzagoon-2.jpg


    Download GameCube JPN Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disc from January 2004

    Download Pokemon Berry Glitch Shiny Zigzagoon JPN GameCube Distribution ISO
    Download Pokemon Berry Glitch Shiny Zigzagoon JPN GameCube Distribution TGC

    The TGC was extracted from the demo disc, then converted to an ISO.
  2. King Impoleon

    King Impoleon Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2017
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    Finally Japanese Zigzagoons<:o)

    but how to Play a ISO?
    it's possible to burn it on a GC Disc?
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    You can use a Wii with the Homebrew Channel installed, then use the homebrew app Nintendont, that will allow you to load any GameCube ISO from a FAT32 formatted SD card.

    I've tested this on real hardware using Nintendont, it doesn't seem to work sadly. I plan to mess with this more at the weekend to see if I can get it working.
  4. Deoxyz

    Deoxyz Retired Preservationist

    Dec 24, 2016
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    Did you carefully examine every menu option to confirm for a fact the BGF Zigzagoon is not accessible by using the full ISO?

    Also, if you used the converted tgc in Dolphin, idk why it wouldn't work on hardware. Since that's the case though, the fix theoretically should be pretty simple. Sadly I can't say this is the first or second scenario of things failing on hardware yet not on emulators.

    Also, has this been tried with the file found in US Demo Disc 14/16? (Iirc, it's called ruby.tgc)
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2018
  5. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    @Deoxyz i did go though all the menu's both on an emulator and real hardware.

    1st Menu (Snowman) = Two Vidoes
    2nd Menu (GC 2004) = Two Vidoes
    3rd Menu (GBA 2004) = One Video
    4th Menu (Zelda Four Swords) = Sub Menu's about the game and a video
    5th Menu (Mario Kart Doble Dash) = Sub Menu's about game and a playable demo

    It does seem strange it's just hidden there on the disc which is why I was thinking their might be a hidden way to access it, using the disc with a GBA connected seems to make no difference though.

    It could well just be left over from the previous month, or was dropped from the demo disc at the last minute. The disc's menu is essentially a webpage, so would be very easy just to remove a link to something. Maybe certain stores didn't want to keep distributing the fix, as it was mentioned some demo discs look the same, however one had the distribution and the other didn't.

    I will give it a try with the US Demo discs tonight, I can also test with that if the distributions fails with a dead battery in the cart like i suspect. As my English Ruby has a dead battery, however Sapphire is still ok. I seem to remember they didn't work with a dead battery.

    The demo disc can however be modified to load the Pokemon distribution instead of the Mario Kart Demo, allowing the distribution to work on real hardware.


    Exploring the disc with GC Tool you will also see a folder called pokemonrs in the "local" folder, in this folder the pokemonrs_p.html contains the parameters required to launch the Berry Glitch Shiny Zigzagoon distribution.

    This is: <meta name="go-tgc" content="/local/tgc/Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev param=file://client.bin">

    So we can simply edit the kart_try_go.html in the kart folder to launch the Berry Glitch Shiny Zigzagoon distribution like so:


    You will notice i've also removed most of the comments from the HTML code, this is to ensure the filesize is not larger than the file it's replacing, as GC-Tool will only allow you to replace a file that is the same size or smaller, not larger.

    You can then right click and replace your modified file with GC-Tool:


    After that you can load the ISO on real hardware and activate the distribution like so:

    Be aware you don't put the GBA in multiboot mode, load the distribution on the GameCube and press "A" to get to the second screen, then power on the GBA and let it load Pokemon Ruby or Sapphire load and it should try distribute all been well.

    However you will notice I seem to get an error when trying to distribute the Zigzagoon. I think this is because the battery in my JPN Pokemon Ruby is dead, so it would be pointless in trying to fix the glitch and fails.

    If all else fails I could simply create a ppf patch to replace Mario Kart with the distribution, so people can patch a clean dump of the demo disc and use the distribution on real hardware if they wish. That would be better than nothing until a demo disc is found with the distribution accessible from the interface.

    It might not work as a standalone as the demo disc looks to be feeding a parameter in to the distribution when it launches: /local/tgc/Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev param=file://client.bin

    That wouldn't happen when launched as a standalone i dont believe, however it still doesn't explain why it works on an emulator.
    King Impoleon and Deoxyz like this.
  6. YoshiMoshi

    YoshiMoshi Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2017
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    what happend to the other posts? that were in this thread and what's up with the banner about DMCA
  7. Deoxyz

    Deoxyz Retired Preservationist

    Dec 24, 2016
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    He moved them here to keep direct relevancy in this thread.
  8. YoshiMoshi

    YoshiMoshi Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2017
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    fabio00 likes this.
  9. fabio00

    fabio00 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2017
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    Lisbon, Portugal
    Can you guys open the TGC or the Iso on Dolphin? I only get a black screen :/
  10. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    It works on any of the recent Dolphin Development Versions. Scroll down and download a development build and load the iso or tgc as normal. The stable Dolphin 5.0 build from 2016 doesn't work.

    I'm soon going to released a hacked iso which should work on both real hardware and the current sable build of Dolphin, allowing the distribution to be accessed from the main menu.
  11. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    So i've managed to replace the battery in my JPN Ruby cartridge and can now confirm this does work on real hardware:

    (Very quick video, excuse the quality and my pronouncing of Zigzagoon)

    After replacing the battery in the cartridge I did have to start a new game for the distribution to work, the older save game is on which was one the cartridge when I purchased it. I'm not sure why it didn't work with that, however i've distributed myself four Zigzagoon on a new save without issue.
  12. St. GIGA

    St. GIGA Member

    May 21, 2017
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    Negaiboshi Disc here: You can find Meteor as a mega link on the Wishmaker download, and the Meteor I have verified to work. This Negaiboshi disk SHOULD work on Dev Dolphin 5

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Mar 11, 2018
    King Impoleon and Benis like this.
  13. St. GIGA

    St. GIGA Member

    May 21, 2017
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    Now that the Multiboots work on real HW, is it OK to post ajxpk's failed attempts to get it working on HW, which DO work on VBA-m?
  14. Deoxyz

    Deoxyz Retired Preservationist

    Dec 24, 2016
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    @St. GIGA

    We've still been discussing releasing them in due time. Holding them off is more due to preferring to release a finished project versus something only half complete. Yes there are major problems with the hardware issue, but that doesn't mean it should be totally impossible. That's about all the insight I can give currently, it's way too soon for an ETA. All I can say is "eventually" in one form or another, hopefully as a completed project.

    Actually, I feel these MBs working GCN-to-GBA now gives less of a demand to need to release the GBA-to-GBA versions asap. Of course we'd still try to do it as quickly as possible, but I think you get the point.

    And when I say "we", 99% of the credit for that particular project goes to ajxpk, as it's a result of his hard work. The rest of us mainly provided advice and tests.
    Invader TAK likes this.
  15. Invader TAK

    Invader TAK Elite Member

    May 28, 2016
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    Illinois, United States
    Just tested with Nintendont and my Japanese Sapphire and it worked with no problems, even with a dead battery.

    EDIT: Tried it with my Japanese Emerald and it didn't work, as expected. Figured I'd try it anyway just to be 100% sure.
  16. YoshiMoshi

    YoshiMoshi Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2017
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    I can confirm that the march one is like the January one. It's hidden on the disc. My February one is sealed in plastic.

    Attached Files:

    InsaneNutter likes this.
  17. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Any plans to open the February one? strange its also hidden on the March one. It was either used in February or maybe unlocked with a button combination some how. Although I could never find anything that suggested a combination might unlock it.
  18. YoshiMoshi

    YoshiMoshi Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2017
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    Does not surprise me at all. We know that there are variants (photographic proof) of January, Febuary, and March 2004. Also can't remember which but I saw photographic proof that there's a December/November 2003 variant as well.

    Interesting to Note that there's photographic proof that of an August 2003 variant. I suspect this may have the jirachi distribution on it. I also saw a website claiming that pokemon is on this disc, what not so sure, all it said was pokemon.

    I think I'll keep my Febuary 2004 sealed until I find a reason to open it.

    I think there is no button combination. The background for it is not on the disc. We need the variant version, which should have all the pokemon files, not just the .tgc file.
  19. Deoxyz

    Deoxyz Retired Preservationist

    Dec 24, 2016
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    As I said before I doubt we'll find Jirachi on one of these demo discs. The BGF Zigzagoon was on these demo discs to be widespread around Japan to help players fix the Berry Glitch. Negaiboshi Jirachi was your standard Pokemon event held at specific locations, so it was likely a unique disc only found in kiosks in the Pokemon Centers. Perhaps that disc shared the 5th Anniversary Eggs as well, but who knows. Finding this disc is the equivalent of finding Japanese distribution carts. They don't get leaked.

    However I couldn't rule out the possibility for some crazy reason the Pokemon Centers used a Nintendo demo disc for the Jirachi, but it's totally unlikely.
  20. YoshiMoshi

    YoshiMoshi Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2017
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    Agree. We will never know though until we try, so I'll go for it if I see it. All good discussion.

    Based on the files found in the japan shiny zigzagoon we can conclude that Jirachi was a gamecube disc. This is very odd. We would expect a cartridge since it's just one distribution, because there's not much need for the space available on a gamecube disc. So like you said, given that it's on a disc, it's likely that there's more content on it than just the one distribution. Perhaps demos for other games, other distributions and so forth. Perhaps a demo for pokemon channel.

    A variant is known to exist of the the 2003 August disc. The three non variant demo discs I have (haven't tested February) have the zigzagoon hidden on it. The variant discs probably had all of the files on it and accessible from the main menu. We also know that there are variants of the November and December disc. I would say it's safe to assume that the November 2002, December 2002 variant demo discs have the distribution, as well as the non variants with it hidden on the disc.

    We know for a fact that there's a variant of the August 2003 disc. This variant could have been given out in less quantities as the November 2002, December 2002, January 2003, February 2003, March 2003 discs. Right that there should be less of them because there were only a couple of Pokemon centers, so assuming one per pokemon center, we would be talking about a distribution disc that there are only three (?) of them!!! If it is a unique disc, than it will most likely have never leaked. Couldn't agree more! However if it is just a variant of the August 2003 disc, or possibly a few of the preceding months (which we don't have photographic evidence that they exist, possibly because there was only a few of them), than we just need the regular non variant one, and we could possibly find the jirachi distribution hidden on it. Similar to the zigzagoon one

    Also I thought Purin had the Jirachi distribution and posted pictures of it? Like you said, if we are talking about something that there are only three known to exist, than there's no way Purin could have gotten that! Perhaps he did something like what I mentioned above. Purchased the 2003 August disc (or some of the other similar months) dumped it, and then found it hidden on there! This seems much more likely to me than Purin somehow managing to get a disc that would have been one of only three. Even the chances of some of the staff dumping it before returning to nintendo I would think would be very low. I think someone walking away with the physical disc from the pokemon center is very unlikely.

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