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Pokemon Colosseum Japanese Bonus Disc (Tokusei Disc) Download [NTSC-J / JPN GameCube]

Discussion in 'Pokemon Demos & Bonus Discs' started by Professor Oak, Jul 22, 2009.

  1. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    Yeah, no problem. PK Sync do you still have those two saves? The ones with Celebi on the PC and the modded one?

    I'm currently working on the contests in Emerald. I'm going to start working on my last contest Pokemon now. When I've completed that I'm moving all 5 of them to Pokemon Box so I can eventually send them to my Sapphire and win the master ranks on that all in one go. Once I've done that I'll send you guys the save and post here what all the boxes/Pokemon are.
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  2. PK Sync

    PK Sync Member

    Aug 7, 2014
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    It's not letting me post the links, I guess it's because I'm new. Here, how about I PM ya the links!
  3. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    That's the problem I had when I tried to link to a bunch of resources a long time ago, oh well. Perfect timing, I just finished the last contest. If you read this can you reply? I can't edit my posts. I'm working with the 2 Colo saves now.

    Edit 1: Hopefully this works. Could I ask a favor? Would you be able to convert a Jap save for Gale of Darkness to English for me? I want to beat the game to get a Jap GoD Lugia and the MtBattle starters. As long as the names are Japanese it should be a lot easier this way.E

    Edit 2: I tried both my English and Japanese saves. The converted save won't work with either.
  4. PK Sync

    PK Sync Member

    Aug 7, 2014
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    All good!
  5. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    I was successfully able to edit my post so scroll up for that info. I'm going to start the tedious process of

    Restoring the Colosseum save
    Booting up my Action Replay/Freeloader
    Booting up the Jap bonus disk
    Booting up my Action Replay/Freeloader
    Booting up the Jap Colosseum
    Trading the 2 Celebi to my Jap Emerald
    Trading the Celebi to my English Emerald
    Booting up Pokemon box and moving the 2 Celebi and 5 contest Pokemon to Pokemon Box.

    Lot's of fun. I'll be done in a few minutes. (Obviously to anybody in the future this post is insignificant) but since we're going back and forth.

    Interesting find. I booted up my Action Replay/Freeloader and it showed my SD/Media Launcher menu. The SD/Media Launcher has it's own boot disk.
    I'm trying to get the special Pikachu while I'm at it.
  6. PK Sync

    PK Sync Member

    Aug 7, 2014
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    If I can find a Japanese save of GoD then I'll do it, I can try to find a 100% one, or if you want to beat the game, I'll have to find the Japanese ISO for GoD and just start a new file, then convert it and send it. I'll work on both.
  7. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    I've got a Japanese copy and can get you a save no problem. It's just really annoying following video's for items and reading my translations/making more.

    I think the Pikachu is transferred to Colosseum, awesome. I'll just add another Pokemon to my Emerald party and trade that as well. It's funny how that Pikachu is now rarer to me than Ageto Celebi.

    InsaneNutter, the person I mentioned before who used my save to get the first Ageto Celebi, we became friends. He found the shiny Zigzagoon disk rom somewhere. I might have saved it, if I did I can link you to it if you're still interested in it.
  8. PK Sync

    PK Sync Member

    Aug 7, 2014
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    That's fine, but wouldn't converting the save over to English make the names of the currently uncaught Pokemon English? When you encounter Pokemon, wouldn't their names be in English, because though the save was originally Japanese, you're playing the save off of an American copy. Just wondering.
  9. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    I was wondering that, I was also wondering if converted back to Japanese if it would be able to connect to Japanese carts again.

    One of the Celebi doesn't have a move, that is so damn strange! I'm going to teach it a TM, I don't want it messing anybodies games up, especially mine. (Both Celebi are gentle.)
  10. PK Sync

    PK Sync Member

    Aug 7, 2014
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    It doesn't have a move? Like any moves at all? Or is it missing one? That's weird.

    When I converted the Japanese save with the Celebi on it to American, I booted the save on my Wii but it said that my American Emerald wasnt American, but this Emerald worked when I booted another random American save I found.
  11. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    I got the same problem but it wouldn't recognize my Japanese copy either.

    Here's the layout of Pokemon Box.

    Box 22 Synchronize Ralts
    Box 23/24 Throw away duplicate Pokemon
    Box 25 Pokemon Box eggs/eggs Togepi, Tyrogue, Skitty, Zigzagoon, Zigzagoon, Pichu, Skitty (Yes, the surfing Pichu. It's real.)
    My gen 3 shiny Pokemon,
    Gale of Darkness special starters and the Colo Pikachu.
    Contest Pokemon

    Box's 1 - 7 384 Pokemon, missing Wartortle and Espeon is missing from the lineup. Box 7 has a few random Unown in alphabetical order. I was trying for all 26.

    Box 8 (Split the box in half) First 6 my old Emerald Team
    Next 3 Pokemon, what I used to fight my secret base trainers in Emerald,
    next two rows same as before just for Ruby.
    Next line my current Emerald team.

    Side 2 of box 8. Colosseum team 1 English,
    Gale of Darkness team,
    Colosseum team 1 Jap,
    Colosseum team 2 Jap,
    really old Fire Red team.

    Box 9 Legendaries The first two sets of Lugia and Ho-oh are from Navel Rock in a Jap Fire Red if I recall correctly. If not I have no idea where they came from.
    The lone Ho-oh is from Colosseum (Jap's MtBattle) my Mattle Ho-oh and GoD Lugua are in the lineup.
    6 of the Celebi are Ageto the last is a Jungle event Celebi.
    The rest are random legendaries. It's missing 6 I traded to my Jap Emerald to beat the Elite Four.

    Box 10 are several egg-move Pokemon I bred.
    Elekid Karate Chop
    Tyrogue with Hitmontop,Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan egg moves. (Rapid Spin, High Jump Kick and Mach Punch)
    Pichu (failed idea) Wish, Charge, Volt Tackle, Present - It was intended to use wish then charge then Volt tackle and wish would restore the HP Volt Tackle lost.
    Chicorita Vine Whip, Leech Seed, Grasswhistle
    Cyndaquil Crush Claw
    Tototdile Dragon Claw, Arial Ace
    HootHoot Whirlwind, Wing Attack
    Hoppip Reflect, Confusion
    Gligar Wing Attack, Metal Claw
    Rattata Flame Wheel
    Mantine Rock Slide.
    Lotad Synthesis, Razor Leaf, Sunny Day
    Oddish (same as Lotad)
    Nidoran Male Peck, Confusion, Return,
    Ralts Destiny Bond, Mean Look,
    Aerodactyl Dragon Breath, Aerial Ace
    Murkrow Sky Attack, Drill Peck, Mirror Move
    Quilfish, Bubblebeam I think
    Sneasel Crush Claw
    Treecko Crush Claw
    Grimer Shadow Punch, Mean Look, Lick
    F.E.A.R. Treecko Endeavor, Quick Attack (would be better to migrate and breed)
    Charmander Dragon Dance, Outrage

    Feel free to migrate the Pokemon and keep any and trade them, I'd just prefer it if you guys kept the overall save to yourselves. I'll message you both now and enjoy!
  12. lawi

    lawi New Member

    Oct 12, 2014
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    Hello !

    I'm French and I tried your savegame but I wasn't able to save the game on my wii, it freezes all the time, using DIOS MIOS and a real memory card (saving is mandatory because you have to save before a trade).
    I wasn't able to trade that Celebi so I played the game myself until I purified all those 48 pokemons (pain in the ass part). So it's a clean savegame, no hack or whatever. I decided to share my savegame with Celebi on it for other people if they're needing it.

    Here it is : https://www.mediafire.com/?pa19iurz464r1as


    Staff Edit - Save attached to post as file-hoster links get deleted sooner or later.

    Attached Files:

    InsaneNutter likes this.
  13. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    You played through the Japanese version of the game again? I don't know why it would freeze. It's always worked for me. That could be a problem for future down-loaders. If you can offer any info it would help me fix it.
  14. Striker Z

    Striker Z New Member

    Nov 6, 2014
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    Just found this thread today thanks to the internet. Got back in to Pokemon this year and so far only own Soul Silver and Y. In have emulators for the Gamecube and thought I could transfer from emulator to emulator. Am expecting an R4i card so will be able to transfer saves from my ROMS to Y.

    To get to the point, saw HaxaRas has a save with almost all the old Pokemon including Celebi. Would love to get the Pokebox save if available still...just would need to know which game it is for so can transfer them.

    Awesome thread by the way and was almost gonna try the hard way. Thanks for all your hard work and thanks if you can send me a link to download your Pokebox save file.
  15. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    I've heard stories in the past of people being able to connect various emulators together but I've never tried it. The one time I bought some R4 cards, they were fakes and refused to work. Maybe you could use a GameCube emulator to send the Celebi to a rom of one of the Japanese GBA games and then transfer it to the rom of a DS game. Sounds like a lot of trouble to me but not everybody can or will track down all the original hardware either.

    If the great Insane Nutter reads this, I can try to make a video of the two saves and upload them to the forums. Just point me in the right direction and I can make a post here linking to the new thread so we don't stray off topic.

    I might have a copy of that Pokemon Box save laying around somewhere. I decided to re-do my living Pokedex so every Pokemon would have me as the OT and caught in a Pokeball. I still have my shiny Pokemon, contest Pokemon, and various other special mons but most of the Pokemon from the living dex and legendaries are gone. I actually met a friend on YouTube because I was bragging about my save and we used to use backups of my Pokemon Colosseum save to send each-other rare Pokemon back and forth. I'll see if I have those old saves laying around somewhere as well.
  16. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Anything you want to upload can be attached to your forum post if its 10mb or less. Anything larger can be uploaded to the Digiex FTP: How to upload to the Digiex FTP. If you have any problems let me know!

    Share anything you like Pokemon related, i've recently got back in to Pokemon myself, over the last couple of week's ive finally finished Pokemon Y and Omega Ruby. I'm now currently playing through Pokemon White and have three gym badges, currently breeding my squad / leveling them up. My plan is to try finish Pokemon White then Black 2, before finally importing all my Pokemon in to Pokemon Bank for Sun / Moon later this year.
  17. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    I've been struggling to get back in since Black/White 2 were released in late 2012. I hated the Japanese Soul Silver so much that I stopped buying the newer games. I've currently got over 800 hours on my 3 Emerald Carts and 1 Leaf Green cart alone. I'll always be a gen 3 fanboy. I mostly just work on living Pokedexes. I decided to re-do all of mine. My Pokemon Box save is a bit messed up. I decided to remake my living Pokedex with all Pokemon being caught in Pokeballs with the OT: HaxAras. I deleted most of my Pokemon, including legendaries because of this. I only kept a specific few that were from old saves I remember fondly.

    I don't remember if my friend asked me not to share the Pokemon he gave me. That would include my untouched Jungle Celebi and my Japanese Jirachi and Japanese Navel Rock Ho-oh and Lugia. Then with my living dex, both versions of it have/will required a ton of work on my part. This time around I'm just breeding and leveling it. Last time I had to search far and wide to get all 386. I'm conflicted on weather I should just give out something I put so much work into, to just anybody. I'll continue to think about it as I work on my living Pokedex.
  18. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    That's cool, i can totally understand you wanting to keep something you have put so much effort in to yourself! I'm hoping to get all the Pokemon with myself as the OT at some point, however as it stands at the moment i still need to finish at least Pokemon white simply to be able to trade them up. I've been saying for years i might do that so I might actually manage this time. Although ive still not really progressed since my last post.
  19. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    See, when I think of keeping it all to myself, I just feel kinda greedy and wrong. I remember watching a video of some speed runner who discovered a new trick. Then he went and made a video to share it with the rest of the community so they could all build off of it and improve their times. What good would the Colosseum save have been if I just kept it to myself as a trophy? At this point I'll likely put the save out there eventually. It just leaves the question of what to remove. I'm not giving everybody my shinnies. I'll likely leave my contest and Battle Tower/Frontier Pokemon in there. I think I'll remove all my story mode teams and I'm debating about the Jungle Tour Celebi.

    I wouldn't put too much work into it if I was you. I feel my save should be able to give you a huge boost someday. You could reap the save and just breed everything that you need. I'm currently working on my Gen 4 living Pokedex but I have yet to find a way to back up my DS saves to the internet. I used to have a 3DS game genie but it was touchy and broke easily. I have an Advanced Game Port to backup some GBA games to the GameCube memory card but some games like Red Rescue Team and the Japanese ones don't work.

    I wouldn't feel too bad if I was you. I've had Soul Silver, Black and White and Black and White 2 since 2012. I beat Black back in late 2012/early 2013 but I haven't done anything at all after beating the story. I just use it to migrate at this point. I'm slowly trying to get back into the series. Buying the Japanese games and trying to 100% my English saves.

  20. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I probably have a good 500 Pokemon at a guess easily, my Pokedex on Pokemon Y is over 400 with at least 12 boxes full on the PC, that's without importing anything from GEN 3, 4 and 5. It's going to take a lot of effort to get thing from Gen 3/4/5 to the Gen 6. However it's certainly on my to do list as I know eventually the online services for the 3DS will get turned off (in a few years i'd imagine when a new handheld is out like the DS) so it would become impossible to import Pokemon with Poke transporter / Pokebank then.

    I probably have more than I think, however we shall see once I finish White, and Black 2. I do have quite a lot of legendaries on Omega Ruby as the game just hands them out like candy once you complete it, in addition i've got a lot of event Pokemon too, even from some of the exclusive JPN events.

    Pretty nice save there! is that the game beat in 2 hours 45 mins? or am i reading that wrong. It's been so long since i played a Gen 3 game i can't remember now!

    Heart Gold was a nice re make i thaught, i just never really had time to play it as it was released when I had loads of exams and i lost interest in Pokemon after that until recently. Although i did buy the game released after at really good prices new and sealed, knowing one day i'd probably get in to them again.

    As for backing up DS saves, if you have a 3DS capable of running homebrew this just got a lot easier. I made a tutorial on how to do that: Nintendo DS Save Game Backup Using The Nintendo 3DS.
    HaxAras likes this.

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