Pokemon distribution cart redumps

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Hiccup, May 14, 2022.

  1. Hiccup

    Hiccup Member

    Dec 10, 2014
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    If you look on No-Intro (search "distribution" in the GBA and DS sections), you can see that only 7 out of 46 of the distribution cart dumps are verified. I think it'd be good to get more of these verified. Maybe some people here who own some of these carts would be interested and could submit redumps to the database?
    Kathy Moran likes this.
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    The DS Distributions have all been purchased and dumped by trusted people, even if a rom of it was already floating about the internet. (due to how easy it is to hack these distributions)
    At one point some NDS distributions were re-dumped with Decrypt9 so all the distributions we're dumped the same way.
    However I realise more info is required for re-dump. (I believe it was yourself who got me to submit my Mario Kart 8 disc for the Wii U)

    I believe @YoshiMoshi now owns all the physical carts of these distributions so is probably the best person to tag in regards to this.

    @King Impoleon also has a collection, although I'm unsure what carts in particular.

    @Deoxyz is no longer active and has sold the GBA / NDS distributions he owned.
    Hiccup likes this.
  3. Hiccup

    Hiccup Member

    Dec 10, 2014
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    I see, that's good to hear.

    Yeah a few more pieces of info are needed for verifications.

    Yeah that sounds right actually, I think I PM'd you on GBATemp.

    Thanks for the pings/help.

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