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Pokemon GEN1 14 Legit Event Mew's Download [Red, Blue, Yellow]

Discussion in 'Pokemon Save Games' started by InsaneNutter, Sep 11, 2016.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Please be aware this page is a mirror of: I found and restored 14 Official Nintendo Event Mews! (Pokemon Yellow save download available PM for details) - Album on Imgur - I've archived this page on Digiex as i have no idea how long posts stay on imgur.

    This is not my save, photos or hardware pictured.

    Mew Restoration Project - Hardware involved:


    Since I've received some concerns about piracy, here is all of the legal hardware used to restore the Mews to one fresh save file.

    The Brainboy cartridges (bottom) hold saves dating back to 2002. These were used to restore old save files, and back up everything in case of corruption. (I used these when I was a promotional "Pokemon Gym Leader" for KB ToyWorks to share cloned Pokemon with my customers.)

    The Gen1 carts were used to restore saves, and to move Mew data between Gameboy Games/Stadium Carts

    Mew data was transferred and shuffled using the Pokémon Stadium cartridges. Pokemon Stadium 2 (3 in Japan) has the best Gen1/2 Box management system. Pokemon Stadium 1 is ok but if you can get your hands on 2 it is worth it.

    Finally, the Retron 5 was utilized to back up the final combined Mew save to a SD card for distribution to the net and backup purposes.

    Gen1 Event Mews "Certificate of Authenticity":

    These print outs were handed out by Nintendo promotion staff during the Mall Tours. The Mew upload machine would stamp your Mew with a unique Trainer ID number, which was then copied to a "Certificate of Authenticity" for the recipient. The Trainer ID is generated sequentially from the Mew distribution machine. The first Mew from a machine is 00001, the second 00002, 00003, so on.


    Mewdude Save on Pokemon Stadium 2: Stats Page 1 (Nickname):

    I have found 12 of my 14, two of them are MIA. :(


    These are all legitimate Mews from Pokemon Mall events that happened in 99 for launch of the TCG, and 2000 for the Movie and Pokemon Stadium launch. You would insert your Gen1 cartridge into a machine, while a promo employee would fill out a paper "Certificate of Authenticity" for your personal Mew.

    Mewdude Save on Pokemon Stadium 2: Stats Page 2 (Stats):


    About the Mews in the save:
    - Every single one of them has the same DVs (5)/10/1/5/12
    - The first 6 Mews have been trained to level 15 (one to level 16)
    - The next 6 Mews are untouched.
    - The last 2 Mews are at level 100, max stat experience and custom moveset, but everything else is legit.

    Mewdude Save on Pokemon Stadium 2: Stats Page 3 (Moves):


    Not much to say here - moveset on the bottom was my go to for Gen1 Mew. Worked pretty well.

    Mewdude Save on Pokemon Stadium 2: Stats Page 4 (Trainer ID):


    The Trainer names are LUIGE or LINKW. The Trainer ID is generated sequentially from the Mew distribution machine. The first Mew from a machine is 00001, the second 00002, 00003, so on.

    The LUIGE Mews came from a TCG event in 99, where I made friends with a Nintendo rep named Jeremy. He traded these two, numbers 00012 and 00014 to me and my girlfriend. The story as I remember it was that the machines were scheduled to go on tour but had technical difficulties. He had snagged these two (and the certificates of authenticity) during some testing runs.

    The LINKW Mews came from a Mall Event in Arlington, TX promoting Pokemon Stadium and the 2000 movie. They had four of the machines running simultanously for a huge line of people. Once the lines died off I went through the machines and got 12 of them.

    1999 Mall Tour - Pikachu Car Front:

    Found on old my website.. I'm not posting the horrible picture of me and Jeremy from NOA, sorry! ;)


    1999 Mall Tour - Pikachu Car Back:

    Rocking the CRT in the trunk. Pokemon Snap was the bomb!


    In 1999 and 2000, I was able to obtain 14 Official Event Mews from the US Mall Tours for Pokemon Trading Card Game (1999) and Pokemon Stadium / Pokemon Movie (2000). I was contacted about helping to preserve information on these Event Mews - here are the results of my completed restoration project.

    A few weeks ago, a person named Suloku Mago emailed me out of the blue asking for information about my old website from 1999. I was horrified to hear that the site was still up and running. Written in Notepad, pokeball animated gifs, proudly designed for 800x600.. oh dear.

    But among the terrible HTML, he had found some pictures of a mall event I attended in 1999, and the event Mews I had collected. These are all legitimate Mews from Pokemon Mall events that happened in 1999 for the launch of the Pokemon TCG, and then in 2000 for the Pokemon First Movie and Pokemon Stadium launch. You would insert your Gen1 cartridge into a machine, while promo staff would fill out a paper "Certificate of Authenticity" for your personal Mew.

    The Trainer names are LUIGE or LINKW. The Trainer ID is generated sequentially from the Mew distribution machine. The first Mew from a machine is 00001, the second 00002, 00003, so on. The LUIGE Mews came from a Pokemon TCG event in 1999, where I made friends with a Nintendo rep named Jeremy Hepworth. He traded these two, numbers 00012 and 00014 to us. The story as I remember it was that the machines were scheduled to go on tour but had technical difficulties. He had snagged these two (and the certificates of authenticity) during some testing runs.

    The LINKW Mews came from a Summer 2000 Mall Event in Arlington, TX promoting Pokemon Stadium and the 2000 movie. They had four of the machines running simultanously for a huge line of people. Once the lines died off I went through the machines and got 12 of them.

    Suloku wanted to know if I remembered anything about the Mews, like trainer ID or stats. He is documenting as much as he can about all of the different events and their Pokemon.
    Luckily, what I had for him is much, much better.

    Back in the late 90's I worked for a KB ToyWorks store. My weekend duties included playing Pokemon TCG with kids, and promoting Pokemon in all ways. Supported by Wizards of the Coast with tons of materials, it was a blast. During that gig, I ended up buying a save backup cart for my Game Boy, and started cloning these event Mews for the kids.

    So when Suloko asked, I dug up all my Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow carts and the save backup carts, and started pulling the Mews together.
    I found six of them on a Blue save. I found another six sitting in Pokemon Stadium 1. And the last two were in a box on Stadium 2.

    I was able to shuffle all of the Mews to one Stadium Cart, and through much trickery, get them onto a fresh Pokemon Yellow save.

    Using a Retron 5, I copied the save from the Pokemon Yellow cart onto my SD card. (I will post a youtube video with instructions on backing up cart saves using Retron 5 as a follow up, really neat way to preserve your retro saves)

    Now I gift these Mews to Suloku, and to all of you. I hope these Mews provide useful information, thank you for reading, and please let me know what kind of information or data you pull from the save!

    EDIT1: The save file link has been taken down due to concerns about legality/piracy. Please send me a PM and I will send the file via Dropbox link. Thanks!

    EDIT2: Update on Save File Contents from Suloku Mago:

    I'm glad to inform you that you did not change your original Mew's (#12 and #14) DVs, you only changed stat experience. Also, they are tenchnically not hacked, as they just have the stat experience maxed and level 100, which is something you can achieve in-game. These "test" mews have the very same DVs as all (or most) other mews, which makes sense taking into account they come from the distro machines for the tour. Most valuable information is that they were actually named LUIGE and not LUIGIE, because now I have proof about LUIGE and LUIGIE Mews, both with certificate, which is an interesting fact.

    The first 6 mews have been trained to level 15 (and one to level 16).

    As I already stated, what makes a Mew an official mew are OT, ID and DVs. They were all distributed at level 5 with pound as the only move. All these Mews can be reverted to their distribution state with no effort and, in my opinion, will still be legit. Some people won't accept this, but since your save has your original Mews, it's ok for everybody.

    The other 6 LINKW Mews are untouched as you received them back in the day (I bet these were the ones stored in stadium 1?)

    ps: I don't know if you know this, but I used this program to convert to a "standard" save file (32 kb) as I noticed it used some kind of compression format (it wasn't 32 kb, then I opened the file with an hex editor and found a "RTN5" header, so searched a tool to re-convert): Retro5.net • View topic - Retron 5 File Converter
    You'll need the standard 32kb file for any emulator or other tools usage.


    Pokemon GEN1 14 Legit Event Mew's Save Game Download

    14-pokemon-gen-1-event-mews-save-9.jpg 14-pokemon-gen-1-event-mews-save-10.jpg

    Attached Files:

  2. Slaz

    Slaz Roast as you make toast!

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Thanks for mirroring this! I came across this thread but didn't found time to read through it yet until now. It's good to learn how Mew was distributed back then. I recall a local Dutch store called Intertoys used to have NOE tour these machines at some point, and instead of a certificate you'd get a sticker on your Gen1 cart stating "Mew Inside!". I never took one, but at least I got a Mew on my 3DS Blue VC savefile through the glitch and a "GameStop Mew" through the 3DS event last January.
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  3. Its just awesome that people still have stuff like this and can share them with us. I appreciate it.
  4. Lexi

    Lexi Elite Member

    Dec 31, 2018
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    I noticed every untouched mew shown on this forum for gen 1 all have the same stats. With mew being base 100 stats, does this mean that every mew that was given out had the same dvs as far as we can tell? Another thing I noticed is the virtual console GF mew has different stats.
  5. Deoxyz

    Deoxyz Retired Preservationist

    Dec 24, 2016
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    Yeah the Mew distribution software always distributed identical Mews, possibly unintentional by the devs. The only difference is the TIDs increment by 1 each time a Mew is distributed. The OT was able to be changed in the distribution software, which is what they did for the different events.

    Virtual Console Mew are also identical to each other, but not to those from 20 years ago as it's a totally different software set up.
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  6. ramprim

    ramprim Member

    Mar 12, 2019
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    hello, i am rama. i want to ask, whether it is possible to transfer to gameboy cartridge?

    so i am using this game pokemon red to upload using cart flasher into flash cartridge. then transfer the pokemon mew (in the save files) using transfer cable gameboy to my current pokemon cartridge. is it possible?
  7. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Yes, you can transfer a save game to a real GB cartridge, see this tutorial: GameBoy / GameBoy Colour USB Save Game Backup / Restore
  8. ramprim

    ramprim Member

    Mar 12, 2019
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    thank you for your reply. so now my question, does all the flash cartridge able to read transfer cable port ? (able to initiate transfer pokemon between 2 gameboy), or only a few type of flash cartridge?
  9. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    In the example i linked you to you are writing the save to a real game cartridge, so you can trade as normal and don't need a flash card.

    If you buy a flash cart the process of getting the save on to the flash card might vary, however you can also trade as normal with a flash card.
  10. KantoVet

    KantoVet New Member

    May 10, 2019
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    Thank you for sharing this. I received a Mew from the 1999 Summer Tour over at Montgomery Mall in Bethesda, MD. Unfortunately, I ended up selling it months later to someone, so I no longer have the Mew or certificate. My younger sister attended the event as well and maybe still has her Mew.
    Last edited: May 10, 2019
  11. north13

    north13 Member

    Jan 4, 2018
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    You should post her save, let me know if you need to know how.
  12. ramprim

    ramprim Member

    Mar 12, 2019
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  13. Thomson

    Thomson Member

    Jun 11, 2022
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    Just joined. Long story. I’m about 1998 I got a yellow game boy colour and followed with Pokémon blue and yellow. I won a competition to have mew on my game. I send my game away and had mew the envy on my mates. Many years had passed and now my 8 year old son plays his mums old blue. I couldn’t find mine . I still have my yellow game boy colour. Well I went to my mums and picked up the last off my things. I have been moved out for 12 years. Loads off old psp ps 1 and 2 games and an old blue locked money box.

    well I had to break into it and I could not believe I found my old blue game. After about 20 years I loaded it up on to my 24 year old one owner yellow game boy and was over the moon to see my saved game.

    Attached Files:

    InsaneNutter and AlamosIT like this.
  14. Thomson

    Thomson Member

    Jun 11, 2022
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    That’s the competition I won and had to send my game away. I am sure it was from the Nintendo magazine January 2000. With mick foley the wrestler on the front cover. I can’t remember much more than that as I was only about 13 at the time. I got a letter back saying I had won and had to put a Pokémon like a rattata and they would be gone and placed with a level 5 mew. I Sent it away and that’s all I can remember.
    AlamosIT likes this.
  15. AlamosIT

    AlamosIT Backup Master

    Jun 21, 2020
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    That's amazing! It would be great if you dump your save file in order to preserve that Mew.
  16. Thomson

    Thomson Member

    Jun 11, 2022
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    I havnt a clue how to do that. I messaged insanenutter as maybe he can help me.

    I havnt seen any others with I’d number like mine.
    What’s the worst thing I can do so I lost the save game? I won’t play it as I have a red I have just started. But the blue is my childhood game. Are the batteries all dying out and mine has just been lucky? It’s been in a metal bix last 15 years

    any more info would be great. Thanks.
  17. Thomson

    Thomson Member

    Jun 11, 2022
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    Anybody know insanenutter? I see he has a Loads off history and knowledge with news and saving games. Trying to get him to do my save for me. Cheers.
  18. AlamosIT

    AlamosIT Backup Master

    Jun 21, 2020
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    I personally use this to dump and restore save files from GB/GBC/GBA games and it works like a charm.
  19. Thomson

    Thomson Member

    Jun 11, 2022
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    It looks amazing! It’s well above my sill set tho. I would more likely delete my game than save it
  20. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    That's pretty cool you have found your save with Mew on after all these years, this is how i dumped my saves: GameBoy / GameBoy Colour USB Save Game / Rom Backup

    As it appears you are also in the UK I'd be happy to dump your save for you if your willing to post the cart to me, you can even restore the save to a 3DS running CFW if you happen to have one. All the Pokemon from my childhood games are now safely on Pokemon Home.

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