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Pokemon GEN1 JPN Event Mew .pk1 Download (Makuhari Nintendo Space World) [Red, Blue, Yellow, Green]

Discussion in 'Pokemon Save Games' started by InsaneNutter, Nov 1, 2017.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Here we have 4x Pokemon GEN1 Japanese (JPN) Event Mew's. These Mews are believed to be from the Nintendo Space World 97 or 99 event held at the Makuhari Messe (幕張メッセ) Japanese convention center, outside Tokyo.

    The Mews were shared in pk1 format by Afepoke on PP.org, he refereed to them as Makuhari Mew's, I presume as they were distributed at the Makuhari Messe convention center. Likely at one of the Nintendo Space World events.

    A friend obtained these Mew's for Afepoke as he was only a child at the time, living in countryside somewhere in Japan. We're not sure what year these Mews were obtained in, all evidence suggests these Mews are indeed legit based on what we know from the Mew distributions outside Japan.

    The TID of these Mews are: 10606, 07651, 09549 and 03202

    Remember for GEN 1 you can't trade from Japanese to English Pokemon games and vise versa.

    pokemon-gen-1-jpn-event-mew-nintendo-spaceworld-makuhari-1.png pokemon-gen-1-jpn-event-mew-nintendo-spaceworld-makuhari-2.png


    Pokemon GEN1 JPN Event Mew (Makuhari Mew) (Nintendo Space World) Download

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    PawsofHorror and gatekeeper1122 like this.
  2. PawsofHorror

    PawsofHorror Active Member

    Jan 25, 2019
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    Too bad there's not much info about this event so we can't be sure if it's legit or someone hacked in those mews but I doubt tools such as pkhex existed back then and cheats would produce mews with the OT of the trainer. I hope someone shares a Japanese Celebi from the events and mobile gb event next!

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