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Pokemon GEN1 Legit Europe Mew From Bergsala Denmark Event Download

Discussion in 'Pokemon Save Games' started by InsaneNutter, Apr 22, 2017.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    All credit to @suloku and Michael for making this release possible. All I have done is mirror this save so its preserved online in more than one location.

    This is a legit European Mew for GEN 1 Pokemon games, distributed by Bergsala in Denmark.

    TID: 01693

    Some months ago Suloku found a very old webpage on which someone was showcasing the data for his legit Mew and Celebi. The page was last updated on 2003 but the site was a little active, so Suloku tried the contact mail that was there to ask about those Mew and Celebi. Long story short, the Celebi was gone due to battery dying, but the Mew was still in his red cartridge. Suloku asked the owner, Michael, if he would agree to send Suloku his cartridge to backup the save, then send him back, and luckily he trusted suloku and everything went fine.

    The Europe Mew is at level 100 (Michael didn't keep it untrained), however it is easy for anyone interested to revert it back to distribution state with Pkhex: just set level to 5, set EVs to 0 and set moves 2, 3 and 4 to "None".

    The Mew has the standard DV used for GEN1 distributions (HP:5, ATK:10, DEF:1, SPEED:12, SPECIAL:5), so there's really not much special about it, except if being one of the ones distribute in Europe.

    This is how Michael obtained the Mew:


    europe-mew-1.png europe-mew-2.png


    Pokemon GEN1 Legit Europe Mew From Bergsala Denmark Event [Save] Download - This is Michael's Pokemon Red save game, with the Europe Mew in the party, trained to level 100.

    Pokemon GEN1 Legit Europe Mew [Level 5] From Bergsala Denmark Event - This is the PK1 of the Europe Mew, reverted to its original distributed state and extracted from the save game.

    Pokemon GEN1 Legit Europe Mew [Level 100] From Bergsala Denmark Event - This is the PK1 of the Europe Mew, simply extracted from Michael's Pokemon Red save game.
    gatekeeper1122, fabio00 and suloku like this.

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