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Pokemon GEN3 Legit Event Pokemon Save [Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed & LeafGreen]

Discussion in 'Pokemon Save Games' started by InsaneNutter, Apr 3, 2016.

  1. Deoxyz

    Deoxyz Retired Preservationist

    Dec 24, 2016
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    Here's a full set of the Italian 10ANNI pokemon.

    Attached Files:

  2. Invader TAK

    Invader TAK Elite Member

    May 28, 2016
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    Illinois, United States
    Wait, how'd you get those? *looks into things* Oh, the English names are used in Italy (which is still true as of Gen 7 with the exception of Type: Null). But isn't the UK 10ANNIV distro language locked to English?
  3. King Impoleon

    King Impoleon Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2017
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    you can load the UK 10ANNIV and chance the OT into 10ANNI and reciving language as italian;-)
  4. Deoxyz

    Deoxyz Retired Preservationist

    Dec 24, 2016
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    I unfortunately can't say how I got them. A 100% guarantee they're legit though.
    Yes, the UK 10ANNIV cart is only for English games. The other languages have their own carts.

    Of course you can do that, but these aren't modified UK 10ANNIVs, see above.


    Anyway, this attached zip contains 100% legitimate pk3s from all the 5 languages of the European 10th Anniversary carts and Aura Mew carts. No, I can't reveal how I got them. The English 10ANNIVs and Italian 10ANNIs in the zip are the same ones I uploaded previously, so they're nothing new. I just wanted a compilation zip. Note that the Aura Mews don't have unique OTs, just the origin language data differentiates them.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 13, 2017
    suloku, InsaneNutter and HaxAras like this.
  5. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    I'll update the main save with these new Pokemon so they're all in one big file soon. I come and go with Pokemon and I recently decided to take a break again. I was also not notified of the posts to the thread. The alerts on Digiex behave very strangely.
  6. Deoxyz

    Deoxyz Retired Preservationist

    Dec 24, 2016
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    Same here. That's why I've been mostly silent on the forums for the last few weeks, with nothing really pokemon related to do for the time being and overall becoming occupied with other things.
    But when people keep messaging me with possible opportunities for us to make progress in archiving stuff, I won't sit back and let that wait for a later time when I'd rather feel like dealing with it. I got these pk3s with a bit of effort, and I may have some more goodies in the future if what is currently in the works keeps progressing. One of these things I really shouldn't discuss yet, but the other should get us two of the three remaining DS Slot-1 distro roms, which seems probable at this point.
  7. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Wow really nice contribution! I could probably have a guess but won't! very interested if anything else in the works comes off.

    Slightly off topic, however the 3DS 10.3 update recently got pushed out, so if people you might possibly have dumping distributions don't have CFW they should disable WiFi for now so they don't update.
    Deoxyz likes this.
  8. I guess we all appreciate it when people give something for free. At least he shared some event Pokemon with you and you had his permission to share it with us, that is the important part. I hope more will come in the future and i cant wait till we contribute more event Pokemon here. Big thanks to anyone who is involved in this project.
    Deoxyz likes this.
  9. Sorry for double post, but a question:

    I know most (if not all) people care about the legitimate events that are present in the save file. But i also care for the save file itself. Meaning no cheats were used and so on. Just a ''normal'' save file with the elite four beaten. So does anyone know if the save file here (where the event Pokemon are placed) is a ''legit'' one? Meaning played in the normal way without using cheats in any form?
  10. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    You would have to ask vi3t, he had uploaded his personal save with quite a few event Pokemon on it. When i started looking for GEN 3 event Pokemon his save was a good starting point, plus it happened to be a Fire Red save and I had played Leaf Green, so it was perfect to use as the save to store the event Pokemon when I was using using real hardware to trade and manage the Pokemon.

    At some point the trainer was renamed to Nutter by HaxAras.
  11. Thats what i mean. Sure its no that relevant if the name was changed (via a save editor) or if something else was done with the save. But i would like to have a ''legit'' save file as well. So would there be a problem if we replace the save with a newer one and hence moving the events to the new donated save file? Either someone has a save file like this (no cheats, elite four beaten, sevii islands as well, nothing special) to contribute or i would start and prepare a new one and then donate.
  12. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    If you want to start a new Pokemon Fire Red save and call the trainer "Digiex", then proceed to beat the game I have no problem with that and would be willing to replace the save. As it's a community event effort started on Digiex, that would be the most fitting name.

    Triggers PC would still be used to manage the save though, which is a legit modern day equivalent of Pokemon Box, however on the PC. It's designed for legit play and not cheating.
  13. I dont have a problem with this.

    If i have time and motivation i will prepare a FireRed save and then donate.
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  14. Sorry for double post, but it should be mentioned that once the main save gets updated again, the first post should be updated as well. There are older versions of the main save and it would be better if these older versions would be replaced with the newest one.
  15. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Indeed i totally agree and plan to do that, i really need to go through and do all new screenshots / description of each box as the save changed quite a lot with some great new contributions.
  16. Thanks InsaneNutter.
    Does the offer still stand? If yes and you have time and motivation could you maybe contribute a nature set of these Wishmaker Jirachis please (meaning every nature is available)? Im not sure if this will be a tedious task for you, im just asking. That way we would have ''enough'' of these Wishmaker Jirachis and could focus on other events. Besides that we would verified the legitimacy and dont need to keep Wishmaker Jirachis that are from an unknown source. Just a suggestion.

    I also think that some of the event Pokemon from the save should be removed because the distribution device is already available (Examples: Berry Glitch Fix Zigzagoon, not the save file with the entire boxes of these contributed by HaxAras, just the ones we are not sure where they come from and same applies to the UK 10ANNIV ones). Because we could just replace them with the same Pokemon which comes straight from the distribution device. That way we can confirm their legitimacy.

    Of course, if these Zigzagoons comes from the GameCube Demo Disks, im fine with it, because its basically the same Pokemon. What im trying to say is, if we have the same event Pokemon and we are sure about their legitimacy we should remove the ones that were found on random save files and then added to the main save.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2017
  17. Sabresite

    Sabresite Member

    Mar 16, 2017
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    I went ahead and removed the hacked pokemon from the main sav file. I did not check Ageto Celebi or Wishmaker Jirachi because they are easy to generate. I also didn't have time to check the box of space c deoxys yet. Here is a list of what was removed and why.

    Articuno - 10 ANIV - 70356F68 - IVs are 0's, PID is invalid
    Zapdos - 10 ANIV - E22753AC - IVs are 0's, PID is invalid
    Moltres - 10 ANIV - 8155CE69 - IVs are 0's, PID is invalid
    Raikou - 10 ANIV - 25768354 - Invalid PID/IV/OTG combination (rearranged 2345 5678)
    Entei - 10 ANIV - 3248FA24 - Invalid PID/IV/OTG combination
    Suicune - 10 ANIV - 10767757 - Invalid PID/IV/OTG combination
    Celebi - 10 ANIV - 5F56DC0D - Duplicated
    Latias - 10 ANIV - 6D3BE413 - IVs are 0's, PID is invalid
    Latios - 10 ANIV - F1C0FFBB - IVs are 0's, PID is invalid
    Metang - ROCKS - 6B1DDF0E - Questionable (This was not deleted).
    Deoxys - SPACE C - 139BD737 - Invalid PID/IV/OTG combination
    Mew - ハドウ - 31B34F94 - Invalid PID/IV/OTG combination
    Regirock - ハドウ - 9F439C0C - Invalid PID/IV/OTG combination
    Regice - ハドウ - 2C61D806 - Invalid PID/IV/OTG combination
    Registeel - ハドウ - 2F787323 - Invalid PID/IV/OTG combination
    Deoxys - FireRed - 7D45DCB5 - Generated to look RNG'd
    Jirachi - WSHMKR - CB8B2E1D - Invalid PID/IV/OTG combination
    All Zigzagoons due to invalid PID/IV/OTG/OTN combinations except for:
    8C15FA7C, 76C900A0, and A344D529

    Also as a note, I checked several of the zigzagoons in the berry glitch sav file, and the vast majority were hacked. I stopped checking. Keep in mind there are less than 256 unique berry glitch zigzagoons per TID. I attached a file with a list of all PIDs.

    Attached Files:

    Deoxyz and InsaneNutter like this.
  18. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Thank you for the assistance @Sabresite

    Obviously our method of comparing Pokemon to the information provided on Bulbapedia is less than scientific and all too easy to let fakes pass, however was done with the best of intentions.

    I don't suppose you have any tutorials on learning how to check a Pokemon is legit? I'd certainly like to be a lot more capable of doing this, as it appears I know little in comparison on what it's actually possible to check in 2017.

    It's certainly appreciated you took the time to check the Pokemon, just a shame a fair few turned out not to be legit, however better to know rather than been oblivious.

    Im going to work on tidying up what we have today and updating the original post to reflect things as they currently are in the save.
  19. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I have given the first post in this thread a long over due update, updating the saves also.


    • Hacked Pokemon identified by Sabresite removed (Main save based on the edited one he uploaded)
    • Added the full set of all ten 10ANNIV Pokemon in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish contributed by Deoxyz
    • Added the Aura Mew in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish also contributed by Deoxyz
    • Large cleanup and re-organise of many boxes, with some Pokemon we had multiple of moved to the overflow save.
    • Description of all the events we have are up to date on the main post
    • New screenshots of each boxes contents, with helpful hints in identifying Pokemon where appropriate

    Still to do:

    Type a description which can go on the first page index of events for the contents of Trades and Overflow save games HaxAras created.

    I also realised we only need the Surfing Pikachu now to have all the Pokémon Journey Across America - 10 ANIV (Trainer ID: 00010) event Pokemon. We do however need some untouched copies of others which I have mentioned on the first page.
    Deoxyz likes this.
  20. Wasnt this contributed by HaxAras if i remember correctly? Are we talking about the save file with the entire boxes of these Zigzagoons contributed over there at project pokemon?

    ''I've shared this with 2 people already. I've wanted to make a thread but I don't really know what to say. Here's a Pokemon Ruby save with the entire PC filled up with berry-fix Zigzagoon I spawned in using my GCN disk over the past week. If you have any questions, I'll answer them.''

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