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Pokemon GEN3 Legit JPN Event Pokemon .pk3 Downloads [Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed & LeafGreen]

Discussion in 'Pokemon Save Games' started by InsaneNutter, Nov 19, 2017.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Pokemon GEN3 Legit Japanese Event Pokemon still in GEN 3 have historically been difficult to find. However Afepoke shared this massive collection of Japanese GEN 3 event Pokemon in .pk3 format. These can be injected in to your GEN 3 save games using PkHex.

    I'd like to personally say a huge thank you to Afepoke for sharing these!

    Download: Pokemon GEN3 Legit JPN Event Pokemon .pk3 Download

    Learn More: Japanese Pokemon Generation 3 Events on Bulbapedia

    Details of The Japanese GEN 3 Event Pokemon In This Download:

    Tanabata Jirachi:

    • 2004 Tanabata Jirachi - 3x
    • 2005 Tanabata Jirachi - 4x
    • 2006 Tanabata Jirachi - 6x
    These Jirachi were given away in celebration of the Japanese star festival Tanabata. The Jirachi have berries that are rare or not available in the games.

    All Nippon Airways Pikachu - 23x:

    This Pikachu knows Fly and was distributed in the new terminal located in the Haneda Airport on the first floor lobby from December 5 to 25, 2004.

    Berry Glitch Fix Zigzagoon - 27x:

    The Berry glitch is a glitch only found in early versions of Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire which affects the game's internal calendar. This Shiny Zigzagoon was distributed with a patch to fix the glitch.


    These Pokemon we're obtained from the JPN version of Pokemon Colosseum
    • Pikachu - 1x
    • Raikou - 1x
    • Entei - 1x
    • Suicune - 1x
    • Ho-Oh - 1x
    • Celebi - 1x

    Egg Pokemon Present Eggs (With Savedata):

    These Pokémon were distributed as Eggs at the Pokémon Center stores in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, and Fukuoka. They were also distributed to players who participated in the Pokémon Battle Tour at Pokémon League Triple Beat. Players could only receive one Egg at random. Each Pokémon knows a special move. The overall distribution period was from March 21 to April 4, 2004.
    • Oddish - 33x
    • Meowth - 32x
    • Poliwag - 29x
    • Bellsprout - 24x

    Festa Metang - 10x:

    This Metang was distributed to players who participated in the Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness demo. This Metang knows the special move Refresh, one of the special moves in Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness that can be obtained through purifying Shadow Pokémon.

    Gather More Pokemon! Campaign:

    These distributions were held at a series of events collectively called Gather More Pokémon! Campaign, commonly referred to as Gotta Catch 'Em All distributions in the English-speaking fandom.

    First Campaign:
    • Treecko - 3x
    • Torchic - 3x
    • Mudkip - 3x
    Second Campaign:
    • Chikorita - 7x
    • Cyndaquil - 7x
    • Totodile - 7x
    Third Campaign:
    • Ekans - 1x
    • Pikachu - 2x
    • Meowth - 1x
    • Growlithe - 2x
    • Bellsprout - 1x
    • Slowpoke - 1x
    • Shellder - 1x
    • Chansey - 1x
    • Kangaskhan - 1x
    • Scyther - 1x
    • Electabuzz - 1x
    • Magmar - 1x
    • Tauros - 1x
    • Murkrow - 2x
    • Misdreavus - 1x
    • Qwilfish - 1x
    • Sneasel - 2x
    • Delibird - 1x
    • Mantine - 1x
    Fourth Campaign:
    • Bulbasaur - 14x
    • Charmander - 14x
    • Squirtle - 14x
    Fifth Campaign:
    • Pikachu - 1x
    • Lotad - 1x
    • Seedot - 1x
    • Surskit - 1x
    • Skitty - 1x
    • Sableye - 1x
    • Mawile - 1x
    • Meditite - 1x
    • Plusle - 1x
    • Minun - 1x
    • Roselia - 1x
    • Zangoose - 1x
    • Seviper - 1x
    • Lunatone - 1x
    • Solrock - 1x
    • Chimecho - 1x
    Sixth Campaign:
    • Pikachu - 2x
    • Hoothoot - 2x
    • Mareep - 2x
    • Aipom - 2x
    • Sunkern - 2x
    • Wobbuffet - 2x
    • Pineco - 2x
    • Gligar - 2x
    • Snubbull - 2x
    • Shuckle - 2x
    • Teddiursa - 2x
    • Houndour - 2x
    • Stantler - 2x
    • Smeargle - 2x

    GW Pikachu - 318x:

    This Pikachu was distributed to players who attended the Pokémon Center GW Festival, which was located at the Pokémon Center stores in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka, and Yokohama from April 25 to May 8, 2005.

    Hado Legendary Titans:

    These Legendary titans were distributed during screenings of Lucario and the Mystery of Mew at the 109 Cinema near the PokéPark from September 1 to 25, 2005. They were distributed via Download Play, requiring the game to be played on a Nintendo DS. Its original Trainer, ハドウ Hadō, means aura, referring to the titular character Lucario in the movie.
    • Regice - 1x
    • Registeel - 1x
    (Regirock is missing)

    Hado Mew - 10x:

    This Mew was distributed to players who pre-ordered tickets to Lucario and the Mystery of Mew. Tickets could be bought from Pokémon Center, Ito-Yokado, JUSCO, Toys "R" Us", Hello Mac, and Daiei stores from April 16 to July 15, 2005. The tickets could be exchanged for Mew from June 25 to August 31, 2005. Its original Trainer's name, ハドウ, means aura, referring to the titular character Lucario in the movie.

    Mitsurin Celebi - 43x:

    This Celebi was distributed at locations for the Pokémon Jungle Tour. It was also distributed at the Pokémon Summer Tour Sapporo at the Sunpiazza from August 3 to 9, 2006 and at the Pokémon Summer Tour Fukuoka at the West Japan General Exhibition Center from August 5 to 6, 2006. The overall distribution period was from July 20 to September 3, 2006.

    Negaiboshi Jirachi - 385x (Wishing Star Jirachi):

    This Jirachi was distributed to players who purchased an advance ticket from April 26 to July 18, 2003. Players who purchased advance tickets to Jirachi: Wish Maker could exchange it for Jirachi at Pokémon Center, Ito-Yokado, JUSCO, Toys "R" Us", and Hello Mac stores from June 21 to July 31, 2003. Jirachi was also distributed to select players at Pokémon Festa 2003 and the 18th World Hobby Fair, as well as to participants in the CoroCoro September 2003 issue. Players were chosen through a drawing. There were 500 selected for CoroCoro, 70,000 selected at the Pokémon Festa 2003, and 10,000 selected at the 18th World Hobby Fair. The 18th World Hobby Fair was located at Makuhari Messe from June 21 to 22, 2003. The overall distribution period was from June 1 to August 24, 2003.

    Pokemon Center 5th Anniversary Eggs (With Savedata):

    These Pokémon were distributed as Eggs at the Pokémon Center stores in Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka from April 25 to May 18, 2003. The Egg received was random and each Pokémon either had the move Wish or another special move. Unlike most events, Pichu has a 5% chance of being Shiny.
    • Pichu - 19x
    • Shiny Pichu - 9x
    • Ralts - 11x
    • Absol - 21x
    • Bagon - 28x

    Pokemon Sunday Wobbuffet - 7x:

    This Wobbuffet was distributed to players who presented the coupon at Pokémon Flets booth. Players who pre-registered an Exchange Coupon and then were selected from a drawing received the coupon to obtain Wobbuffet. Only 100 players were selected. It is based on the live-action Wobbuffet that appeared in the Pokémon Sunday show.

    PokePark Eggs:

    These Pokémon were distributed as Eggs at the PokéPark in Japan from March 12 to May 8, 2005. Each Pokémon has special moves they otherwise would not know by any method. They were distributed by a Nintendo DS using Download Play at Market Fantasia.
    • Psyduck - 26x
    • Pichu - 48x
    • Igglybuff - 21x
    • Corsola - 20x
    • Taillow - 32x
    • Surskit - 23x
    • Whismur - 32x
    • Skitty - 17x
    • Plusle - 27x
    • Minun - 37x
    • Spoink - 20x
    • Spinda - 15x
    • Cacnea - 13x
    • Corphish - 23x
    • Wynaut - 19x
    PokePark Meowth - 2x:

    This Meowth was distributed at the PokéPark in Japan from March 18 to May 8, 2005. It could be obtained while watching the 3D adventure movie Pokémon 3D Adventure: Find Mew! at the 109 Cinema near the theme park. It was distributed by a Nintendo DS using Download Play.

    Yokohama Pikachu - 265x:

    This Pikachu was distributed at the Pokémon Center stores in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka, and Yokohama from March 19 to April 3, 2005. It was distributed to celebrate the opening of the Yokohama Pokémon Center.

    Attached Files:

    gatekeeper1122 and Deoxyz like this.
  2. UnknownRespected

    UnknownRespected Resident

    May 14, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Holy shit


    Imagine if we could actually get our hands on a distro cart like that, and reverse-engineer it to distribute any Gen. III event.
    Will never happen, but hey
    Invader TAK likes this.
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    That would be fantastic and a really neat way of distributing GEN 3 events.

    I guess in theory it could be done with homebrew, it's possible to backup / restore GBA saves using a DS / DS Lite, all you'd have to do is write the pk3 files to the correct place on the save game. Maybe having a menu on the homebrew app where the event Pokemon is chosen, it checks you have space in the party and writes the pk3 to the save game. Easier said than done i know, but not totally unrealistic given what has been done with DS / GBA homebrew over the years.
    King Impoleon likes this.
  4. UnknownRespected

    UnknownRespected Resident

    May 14, 2016
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    Nah, that wouldn't be the same way.

    You would have to create a DS homebrew that can be sent via download play, which would generate the events the same way Gen. III distro carts do, and broadcast it via HaxxStation to get past the RSA checks. Or if you had Flashme on the receiving DS I guess it could be done without HaxxStation, as long as we have the ability to create homebrew that can send over DS Download Play lol.

    It's true it'd be simpler to just skip Download Play and have the distro run directly on a flashcart in the same DS as the GBA game, still. But it'd be really cool to be able to just have a DS running with a flashcart, and people can show up with their DS and their Gen. III game and download the events.
    Twilight91 likes this.
  5. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Ah yes i see what your saying there. That would be pretty neat to have all these years later. I could see that been good for a little independent shop selling used games. People can buy the older Pokemon games and download events directly in the shop. Would be pretty nice for gaming events and such too!
    Invader TAK and UnknownRespected like this.
  6. Twilight91

    Twilight91 Elite Member

    Sep 14, 2019
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    Wait, this is currently possible with the DS Download Play? How?
  7. daviddh97

    daviddh97 New Member

    Mar 23, 2022
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    Thanks for this guys. I was all ready to start today but realized I need firered lol. I only have LeafGreen and Emerald.
  8. wiru

    wiru New Member

    Apr 27, 2023
    Likes Received:
    Hello, thanks for these!

    I'm new in injecting Pokemon to saves.
    When I open these in PKHex, it was flagged as not legal and the error was something about wondercard.

    Anyone has the same issue?
  9. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    PKHeX does not have built in legality checking for many old Gen 3 events, this does not change the fact the events are genuine however.

    For some Gen 3 events PKHeX does have legality checking for the events once migrated to later generations.
  10. wiru

    wiru New Member

    Apr 27, 2023
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    I see. Got it. Again, thanks a lot for these. Would never have these if not for you and Afepoke.

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