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Pokemon GEN3 Mystery Mew Distribution Save Game Download

Discussion in 'Pokemon Save Games' started by InsaneNutter, Dec 31, 2016.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England

    This download contains multiple Mew Distribution Save Games from the Pokemon GEN 3 Mystery Mew Event.

    The Mystery Mew was distributed in Toys "R" Us stores across the United States to commemorate the release of M08: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew.

    Nintendo used a standard Pokemon Fire Red game cartridge loaded with boxes of Mystery Mew, which would be traded to people at the event.

    This save contains all the individual Mew files that have been obtained, along with the original save files from the distribution event, these have been ripped from multiple different distribution cartridges.

    We have also put together a reconstructed save game with 425 of the 426 unique Mystery Mews.

    Each save game is credited in the file name, however this is a brief summery:
    • Deoxyz
    • Twig (3x Saves)
    • PPorg - This is a new save released on 29.10.17 with the previously missing Mews, purchased by a community crowd found on Project Pokemon
    • A reconstructed save with 420 unique Mystery Mews
    • A reconstructed save with 425 unique Mystery Mews - this includes the 5x Mews re-created with their proper trashbytes thanks to Ajxpk & @Deoxyz
    • Final 426th Mew re created thanks to research by Ajxpk

    Below are notes about what was done by the Nintendo employee when they originally played through the game, before they loaded the Mews in and copied it to all the FireRed carts:
    • Mewtwo defeated.
    • Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres not battled.
    • Raikou defeated.
    • Western Snorlax defeated.
    • Eastern Snorlax not battled.
    • Squirtle was starter.
    • Rival Name: TORU
    • Game appears to have been played through normally by a Nintendo employee.
    • All Pokemon in National Pokedex except Celebi. 385 Pokemon.
    • Bag is empty of all sellable/tossable items. Only Key Items and HMs remain.

    pokemon-gen-3-mystery-mew-distribution-1.PNG pokemon-gen-3-mystery-mew-distribution-2.PNG pokemon-gen-3-mystery-mew-distribution-3.PNG pokemon-gen-3-mystery-mew-distribution-4.PNG pokemon-gen-3-mystery-mew-distribution-5.PNG


    Download Mystery Mew Fire Red Save Files [Updated 30/06/19]

    Download Mystery Mew All 426 Unique PK3 Files [Updated 30/06/19]

    Attached Files:

  2. Deoxyz

    Deoxyz Retired Preservationist

    Dec 24, 2016
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    For a quick detail of the actual event, these Mystery Mews were distributed by direct trade at Toys R Us stores in the US on the 30th of September 2006, and for only three hours from 12 - 3 pm. It was the only way to get a legit Mew in the US during Gen 3. The original Nintendo savefile was originally injected with 420 unique Mews, then the savefile was loaded onto many retail FireRed carts to be sent out to Toys R Us stores across the US.

    Also, to clarify the credits of the savefiles in the zip. The first savefile in folder "...(1)" is the only one associated with myself. I had helped the original cart owner dump the savefile, and it has for the most part only been kept private in my files up until last week, when a few of us on ProjectPokemon decided it was time to make these Mew savefiles public.

    The other three savefiles in the zip, "...(3)", "...(4)", "...(5)", those were originally dumped by Twig from his personal cartridges, so credit should go to him. My only part is that I directed all the files to Digiex for historical preservation. His savefiles are better, as they still have most or all of the random pokemon that were traded by people who went to obtain a Mew. My savefile had all those misc pokemon deleted by one of the previous owners. Some of Twig's saves also have a larger amount remaining of the original 420 than mine does. Out of all these save files combined, we have 399 out of the 420 Mews.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2017
  3. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    Just a side note. If you're only interested in the unique mews, I took all the PK3's and injected them into a Fire Red save and added them all to the gen 3 event Pokemon thread. So if you don't wanna deal with the PK3's or don't wanna try sorting out the dupes, that's another option you have.
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  4. Im curious why some Pokemon were defeated (Mewtwo, Raikou) while others are untouched (Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres).

    Just a dumb question maybe, but there is not a distributon device similar to the ones we already have here (Aurora Ticket and 10ANNIV)?
  5. Deoxyz

    Deoxyz Retired Preservationist

    Dec 24, 2016
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    It's just the way they distributed the Mystery Mew wasn't with a specially made distribution system. It was the old method by direct trade like they did in Gen 1 and 2. So what they did was a Nintendo employee played through a FireRed game, or perhaps used tools to modify a save game to appear completed, used some tool to fill it with a bunch of random Mews, and they then injected that savefile into a bunch of FireRed carts to send to Toys R Us stores around the US. Same thing they did with Gen 1 and 2. Not sure why they defeated Mewtwo and Raikou, but it was just something I noticed when I went searching around the game to document random things about the savefile.
  6. I was reading that there are 420 ''unique'' Mews and this save file were injected to other FireRed carts, right?
  7. Deoxyz

    Deoxyz Retired Preservationist

    Dec 24, 2016
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    Yes, they figure the savefiles originally each had the same 420 Mews, but we've so far only found 399 of the original 420. Apparently some hidden data allows the missing Mews to be regenerated, but they end up with some extra data missing, so until we regenerate them fully to their original state, we won't see those missing Mews. I haven't heard of any progress on this in a while, but I suppose we'll see them eventually.
  8. There must be someone with the remaining Mews hidden somewhere. I guess ''we'' just need to gather more Mystery Mew distribution saves in order to get the missing Mews. But easier said than done.
  9. UnknownRespected

    UnknownRespected Resident

    May 14, 2016
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    There could still be people who haven't transferred their Mews over to Gen. IV+, and/or haven't traded them to Colo/XD, who might have obtained a Mew from the event back then and it happens to be one of the missing ones.
  10. Deoxyz

    Deoxyz Retired Preservationist

    Dec 24, 2016
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    I don't think we'll have much of a chance to be seeing any more unique Mystery Mew savefiles. Naturally they should be almost as rare as other GBA distros, and the Toys R Us DS distros before the damaged carts were found in massive amounts. I don't think many actually got stolen or left Nintendo, because when you compare these carts to similar carts it's all the same scenario.

    Over the last year or so it was obvious most or all of these Mystery Mew FireRed carts being sold was just the same people using a backed up savefile they personally copied to any FireRed they had, due to the high decrease in rarity. That's one of the big reasons we let the savefiles go public, because at that point devaluation had already naturally occurred. Before then I was worried that releasing it could cause unwanted side effects, regardless of how much I wanted to make it public. I didn't want to give people the ability to make a lot profit on basically effortless fakes, and perhaps not quite enough people would do this to cause a hopeful devaluation against them. Luckily the devaluation had nothing to do with a public savefile, as the counterfeiters screwed themselves.

    Iirc, the restored Mews were only missing trashbytes, and since the trashbytes are removed when transferred to Gen IV, we have all 420 in Gen IV format. But to have them 100% original in Gen III, those trashbytes need to be restored somehow.
  11. But im glad that these save files still found their ways to the surface. As for the missing Mews, yes, it will be not an easy task. Since the Mystery Mew distribution saves that are in circulation (or that are kept private by event collectors) are probably the same we already have here.
  12. Invader TAK

    Invader TAK Elite Member

    May 28, 2016
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    Illinois, United States
    Trash bytes also get removed when traded to Colosseum or Gale of Darkness. And you'd want to trade to Gale of Darkness because of the Mew Tutor in that game. So for the people that don't care about trash bytes, they can just recreate the missing Mews themselves.
  13. Deoxyz

    Deoxyz Retired Preservationist

    Dec 24, 2016
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    The reason for wanting the trash bytes is so we can restore a savefile to it's original state as it was when it was sent out from Nintendo, besides stuff like play time of course. To have all Mews untouched, removed trashbytes wouldn't be the ideal way for complete preservation.
  14. Invader TAK

    Invader TAK Elite Member

    May 28, 2016
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    Illinois, United States
    I know, I just thought I should mention the OTHER way that trash bytes can be removed.
  15. Imp

    Imp Member

    May 29, 2017
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    I am just curious, with these save files do you hook something up to your computer and load the save files into the cartridge or does it work a different way? Thanks!
  16. UnknownRespected

    UnknownRespected Resident

    May 14, 2016
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    There might be hardware tools around for dumping/restoring GBA saves, but most people just use a cheap DS flashcard + savegame manager homebrew.

    The former will get obsoleted by new OSes coming out and hardware becoming outdated (did someone say "GB Transferer"?), but DS flashcard + homebrew will always work as long as you have a functional DS around. :P
  17. Imp

    Imp Member

    May 29, 2017
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    What exactly does the flashcard and savegame manager do? Do you just play it on a sd card? (Severely sorry im new to this stuff)
  18. UnknownRespected

    UnknownRespected Resident

    May 14, 2016
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    Flashcard is a DS card with a microSD slot in it, you load it with the card's software + games or homebrew, in this case the savegame manager homebrew which I recommend over Rudolph's oudated backup tools, and it lets you write/read save files from GBA games that are in slot-2.

    Only works for DS/Lite, of course. :P

    There is also cart_save for GBA flashcarts that also works but that's the more expensive option since the cheapest available GBA flashcart costs like, $40.
    You can get a cheap R4 for $10-20 (I won't recommend any as I don't know which one would be best and I don't know which trustworthy sites stock it for lower prices) and you could even use the smallest microSD available for really cheap.

    I don't know how much it may be worth it to mess with the R4s considering there are so many cheap/bad clones, it's way more headache than it's worth imo and you'd be better served with Acekard 2i + AKAIO or Supercard DSTwo (though the latter is much more expensive.)
  19. Imp

    Imp Member

    May 29, 2017
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    Are you saying i will the Flashcard and a homebrew to load it or just one of them?

    Would this [​IMG] be better than this? [​IMG]
  20. Imp

    Imp Member

    May 29, 2017
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    Price is not an issue for me, so would you suggest the DSTwo Plus? Sorry for wording all of this weirdly btw... not the smartest when it comes this stuff :(

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