A Shiny Clefairy mystery gift event distribution is now live for Pokémon Sword / Shield owners, this is in honour of the Pokémon Championships Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Phillipines.
The Clefairy is based on the one used by the winner of the 2021 Pokémon Asia Players Cup, Jirawiwat Thitasiri and has the moves Protect, Helping Hand, Follow Me and Icy Wind, along with 5 perfect IV's.
Redeem via mystery gift with the code: APC2021CHAMP - be quick however, the code will expire sometime on June 19th.
Pokémon Sword / Shield Shiny Clefairy Distribution Code
Discussion in 'News' started by InsaneNutter, Jun 18, 2022.
Discussion in 'News' started by InsaneNutter, Jun 18, 2022.
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