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Pokemon Trozei (USA) Nintendo DS Demo Download

Discussion in 'Pokemon Demos & Bonus Discs' started by Professor Oak, Mar 11, 2017.

  1. Professor Oak

    Professor Oak Pokemon Professor

    Jan 3, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Pallet Town
    Pokemon Trozei, released as Pokémon Link! in Europe, is a Pokemon-themed puzzle video game for the Nintendo DS.

    Pokemon Trozei has gameplay similar to Tetris. The blocks are symbols shaped like various Pokemon. These blocks fall on to both screens; however, only the blocks on the bottom screen can be moved and matched. The player can move the blocks to the left and right, and the Pokemon that was moved off the edge of the screen returns to the opposite side of the screen. The blocks can also be moved downward, and the blocks on the bottom will fall to the top of the column. The blocks can be moved upwards, but will immediately fall back down if a match is not made. If four of the same Pokemon are in a row, a match is made and those Pokemon will disappear.

    This demo of Pokemon Trozei only allows you to play the endless game mode. clicking on the Adventure, Pair Trozie or Trozie Battle game modes gives you a description of what that game mode will be in the full Pokemon Trozei game.

    Serial: NTR-A55E-USA

    Credit: Deoxyz, InsaneNutter, Invader TAK and YoshiMoshi. This was received as a bonus when the Pokemon GBA UK Berry Glitch Fix Shiny Zigzagoon Distribution was obtained.

    Download: Pokemon Trozei (USA) Nintendo DS Demo Download


    pokemon-trozei-demo-1.png pokemon-trozei-demo-2.png pokemon-trozei-demo-3.png pokemon-trozei-demo-4.png pokemon-trozei-demo-5.png

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