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ProxSwitch - Access the Nintendo Switch Web Browser

Discussion in 'Nintendo Switch' started by InsaneNutter, Mar 13, 2017.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England

    ProxSwitch is a simply Windows applications that creates a Proxy, capable of redirecting the Captive portal on the Nintendo Switch, so you can access other websites or even run webkit exploits on the switch, which might be useful as a possible entry point for hacks in the future.

    How to use ProxSwitch:
    1. Go to the settings on your Nintendo Switch WiFi connection and set up a proxy with the information provided on ProxSwitch.
    2. After that connect to the Wireless network, it will ask for a registration, validate and your on the internet.

    • Sometimes the Switch web browser ask for confirm the certificate, said yes.
    • Don't forget to remove the proxy on your wifi connection when you have finished.
    • You can load your own Index.html / webkit exploit from the Web folder inside the ProxSwitch folder.


    ProxSwitch Download

    ProxSwitch release thread on GBATemp

    Attached Files:

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