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PS3 Bruteforce Save Data v4.0.1

Discussion in 'Applications, Utilities and Homebrew (PS3/PC)' started by Rockman, Feb 4, 2014.

  1. Rockman

    Rockman Godlike

    May 29, 2011
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    About PS3 Bruteforce Save Data:

    PS3 Bruteforce Save Data will resign save data and trophies for the PlayStation 3.

    PS3 Bruteforce Feature List:

    - Click on the happy face to change views.
    - Able to load saves from available user accounts from PS3.
    - RIght-click on the happy face for quick links to webMAN’s features (setup, temperature, mount games) and restart/shutdown the PS3.
    - Items with blue text are stored locally. Items with black text are remote only. Remote saves are listed with a blue folder icon.
    - Double click on the “Save Manager” title to open the “Download Save from PS3 via FTP” module.
    - Use F3 or Ctrl+F to find a save.
    - Right-Click on empty to show/hide column
    - Switch between Saves or Trophies
    - Works fine with webMAN’s ftp server and multiMAN’s ftp server.


    Download PS3 Bruteforce Save Data v4.0.1

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