I noticed you can't buy digital games for these systems anymore. I can't even view my purchases. Is there an action to try to preserve the content before you can't download anymore? Some group somewhere? I've never been able to contribute before, but I can now and I don't know where to look.
I'm not sure if anyone is actively trying to preserve content for these consoles, however you can use PSNDLv4 to download content directly from Sony's servers, along with the RAP that will let you activate the content on a PS3 with custom firmware. My advice would be just start archiving all the content you can, then you might be able to swap with other people to better help both your collections. Myself and @Gunz4Hire did this with 360 content, i think between us we managed to preserve the vast majority of content between ourselves and contacts we both had.
@InsaneNutter This website of yours is a goldmine mainly for Xbox 360 content, but also for other consoles. I found a PS3 theme (Nature/Ice) I've been wanting to use and it was here all along. Yet, I thought it was on the PlayStation Store, but I could never find or on my Download History.
Glad you are still finding the content of use @Rockman many websites from the 360 era have come and gone, hopefully we can keep the content accessible for years to come!