PSP 6.61 Custom Firmware Install on any PSP - PSP, PSP Slim, PSP 3000, PSP Go & E1000

Discussion in 'Console Guides' started by InsaneNutter, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. s66ix

    s66ix New Member

    Dec 5, 2014
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    thanks alot! great :D
  2. Rodster

    Rodster New Member

    Nov 29, 2014
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    Hi, again. Is there a way to downgrade from 6.60 PRO-C2 to CFW 5.00 M33-6? :)
  3. ami180

    ami180 New Member

    Dec 14, 2014
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    hi i have a psp go with 6.60 i have put cfw on but when i put games on card it only shows 6 of the games when i have put 10 on thanx
  4. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    If you remove some of the games do the others work? if its the same 4 games not working they are probably bad rips.
  5. anandroidy

    anandroidy New Member

    Dec 20, 2014
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    Man, I am really confused.

    Can I install this firmware to a "TA088 v1/v2" mobo? You say v3 and above can't but the "088" part really makes me think carefully.

    Now I am on a 4.01-M33 custom firmware, it is permanent i think.
  6. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Yes you can install it fine and make it permanent.
  7. Siwisby

    Siwisby New Member

    Dec 21, 2014
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    Hi, I've been encountering a strange problem. I have the E-1000 model, and everytime I install the CFW with Pro Update or run the Fast Recovery, I can't press any keys after the system is rebooted. They don't seem to be registered, but the PSP isn't frozen. If I reset it, I can see the VSH menu, but again, none of the keys I press register. To regain back control I have to power it off. I've already tried it with older versions of the Pro CFW, but the same happened with those. If I go the system info, it says I have version 6.60, so I have no idea what's wrong. Any help is really appreciated.
    Edit: Weirdly enough, I found out that if I boot the system back again with the CFW while pressing the L or R buttons, it will let me move. However, letting them go brings everything back to the way it was. Doing this, I got in the memory stick only to find corrupted data. Will try with other ISOs.
    Edit 2: Well, I'm dumb... The ISO was in the wrong folder... so the buttons work when I enter the game, except when I press the PS Button. I can never exit the game without powering the system off. Is there any way to fix this?
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2014
  8. Hi_Im_Jimmy

    Hi_Im_Jimmy New Member

    Dec 29, 2014
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    Thanks for the very simple guide. It was really easy to follow your instructions. Everything works!

    1 question: is it safe to delete the files (like CIPL_Flasher etc) after all the installations are finished or should I keep some files in the memory stick?

    Thanks again for the help!
  9. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    You should just be able to press the Home / PS button to exit games, i'm not aware of any other way to do so.

    Yes you can delete these files, you no longer need them.
  10. BeBop

    BeBop New Member

    Dec 30, 2014
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    Ok so I'm assuming I can not permanently upgrade my firmware because I am running a TA-082 mobo on psp version 3.0 fat... so if I can't permanently upgrade it how can I get into the bios and overclock it? I am trying to run some emulators and they have slight lag. I'm seeing everywhere that people are overclocking it and it runs perfect. Is there something I'm missing because from my understanding if I power the psp off I'll have to reload the firmware. But I need to power it off and back on while holding R1 in order to get into the BIOS. Please Help! total noob here
  11. Phabeon

    Phabeon Member

    Dec 30, 2014
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    1st I must say, I joined this FORUM just to say thank you to you.. AWESOME and well informed post but what makes it above and beyond is that I see you keep interacting with the people posting questions to you.. OUTSTANDING.. well done good sir!

    I just unfinished unpacking some boxes from a previous move and guess what I find? My old phatt a$$ psp(the original) and a red GoW edtion (2000 vers I think)..

    dude these have not been touched since like 2008 or 2009... they are on firmware 3.95 and 3.65..

    I have spent hours on the google trying to find out how to run emulators on these joints and could not find anything worthwhile as it seems the world has moved from PSP to Vita and so everything PSP seems to be dead... THEN I found your post!!

    awesome stuff!!

    So even me with my old outdated PSP's can now enjoi custom firmware and emulators???

    Here is what I got from your post.. I basically need to do 2 things right???

    1. update my psp to the latest Firmware which is 6.60
    2. Once that is done I can then run/install a custom version of that firmware
    3. Let the emulation begin...

    that simple right?

    Let me know as again, these PSP's are ancient and running super old firmware right now...


    p.s. This should show you how old they is.. one has a Sony 16mb due stick and the other has a 132mb Sony Due stick in it...

    What do you recommend a 1gb or waht?
  12. Phabeon

    Phabeon Member

    Dec 30, 2014
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    well its 3am where I stay at.. and JEEBUS, I finally got it... successfully installed the 6.60 firmware and then the custome bc2 or whatever..

    NOTE: PSPIdentity only runs when you have the custom firmware installed..

    NOW the easy part was the custom firmware setup.. where I just spent the last 2hours was downloading emulators and ROM's..

    Spent another 45mins trying to get the emulators to run..

    There is little ryme or reason to where or how to exactly install the emaltors on the PSP.. I have only been able to successfully run the Unofficial SNES9x for PSP port but nothing else

    PSP Genesis fails to load
    Nesterj for PSP same thing...
    NeoGeo gets to load screen and then stalls...

    any help or input is appreciated.. or heck a well done guide for how to install the Emulators (with exact emulator examples you used) would be awesome!!

    Thanks in advance!!

  13. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Press the select button when on the PSP's XBM (Home Screen) and you should get options to overclock the PSP.

    Most emulators should go in the PSP\Game folder, then will appear in the menu along with any Games / ISO's on the PSP.

    Some old emulators only work on the original 1.5 firmware, however most have since been updated to work on later firmwares. So depending on where you downloaded them you could possibly have an older version.

    I have put together and uploaded a pack of emulators which should work on the latest 6.60 firmware. You will need to provide the BIOS for certain emulators if required.

    Note: I've not tested all these, however been the latest version you should hopefully have some luck with them

    Download PSP Emulator Pack - 30/12/14
  14. Phabeon

    Phabeon Member

    Dec 30, 2014
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    Ok, So I need to know.. Is it perhaps my PSP that is garbage? I have 2, an original phat 1000 and a GoW edition 2000.

    My test psp for this was the phat 1000 as it has been thru some thangs and then some..and figured guinea pig this before using my 2000 GoW edition..

    I just finished installing the major Emulators from your personal package you uploaded.. PicoGenesis, Daurn-N64, NesterJ, snex9, Atari Jaguar, NeoGeo

    While I can now get the emulators to launch, ONLY one of them recognizes the roms... The rest do not recognize that any Rom's are present,
    - .zip or .7z does not seem to matter.
    - putting the ROMS in suggested path name per Emulator readme.txt makes no difference
    - same thing if they are in psp/Game folder

    The few EMulators that actually see the ROM's won't load them either.. it just says "Failed to load ROM" unable to load ROM

    NesterJ can successfully load the ROM's HOWEVER there is some kind of issue where the LEFT DIRECTIONAL pad changes and rotates screen size/position.

    ex. I am playing Kung Fu NES and when I LEFT directional Pad, instead of going my guy going left, the screen changes to full screen, REVERSE screen, mirror screen, text reads backwards, ect, ect..

    I just don't know what else to do.. UNLESS its my PSP?

    What do yall think?

  15. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Don't zip the roms up, they should not be compressed at all.

    Some emulators will let you browse and find the roms anywhere on the PSP's memory stick, some need to be in the folder specified in the read me.

    Your PSP is fine though, you likley just need to spend time setting the controls up in some of the emulators too.
  16. Phabeon

    Phabeon Member

    Dec 30, 2014
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    Unfortunately I think it is my PSP...

    I tried the emulators in your download pack.. as well as several versions of them from the Net.. SAME THING

    I unzipped the ROMs and yes now the emulators can see them but here's my issue.

    Randomly in various ROMS's, pressing the directional buttons changes screen size/resolution/position.. Happens in NesterJ as well as the Snes and Genesis Rom's.

    Unless you have a hail mary for me, I think my PSP 1000 Is toast..

    Sometime in the next week I will work on buying a new memory card larger than the 256mb one I have and h@ckKk the in very good condition PSP-2000 I have..

    If the same thing happens, then I know its the EMULATLORS and I just give up at that point...

    let me know what you got!!

  17. Phabeon

    Phabeon Member

    Dec 30, 2014
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    Turns out it was my PSP1001.. After a few frustrating days I bit the bullet and just ran everything on my PSP2000.

    NesterJ and PicoGenesis now work normally and pressing the direction buttons no longer rotates/resizes the screen or boots me to Emulator Menu and no random reboots.

    So far I have N64 working, NestorJ, PicoGenesis.. No luck in even launching Neo Geo or Atari Jaguar..

    To the original poster.. PERHAPS you can make a 2nd Post/Thread on the emulators you have successfully run and the setup for them? i.e. Folder name and location, i.e. PSP/Game/Nes/Eboot.xx Also Does it require unzipped ROM's or not? Ect, ect..

    let me know what you think?


    p.s. have a free hour so gonna try my hand at tweaking it some more now!
  18. cardboardbox103

    cardboardbox103 Member

    Jul 4, 2014
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    Hi Insane Nutter!
    I am still getting the FFFFFF error for PS one games. I already used the PRO C2 link you provided.
  19. 91ajames

    91ajames New Member

    Jan 31, 2015
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    thx, bud, this was so easy to do on my PSP-3000 6.60 to 6.61.

    To really summarize Step 1-Step 2 if anyone is having any problems, what I did is
    1. power complete 100% battery
    2. download psp internal update 6.1 to flash drive & install it
    3. USB Connection
    4. Delete folders SD>GAME>"CIPL_Flasher", "FastRecovery", "PROUPDATE"
    5. in link, STEP 2: Download the PSP 6.61 PRO-C2 custom firmware
    6. Copy the three folders to the same location of the deleted folders(4)
    7. X Update (may have to do it twice, 1st: error, 2nd: success)
    8. X Fast Recovery
    9. Load your psp iso/gba/snes/etc games.
    10. Jailbroken

    permanent would be better but since i barely turn my psp-3000 off, its not really necessary.

    I have no errors loading my ps1/psp/snes games on a 2x8GB micro sd card from amazon 2yrs ago.
  20. ncbaireland

    ncbaireland New Member

    Mar 31, 2015
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    Running games from ISO folder

    Hi, i have tried to copy games and run them from ISO folder, unfortunately i cannot see them, on menu, may be i am doing something wrong?

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