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Putty Squad for Amiga [Free Full Game Download]

Discussion in 'Consoles and Homebrew' started by InsaneNutter, Dec 30, 2013.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England

    About Putty Squad:

    Putty Squad for the Amiga has finally been released by System 3, 20 years after the game was originally created.

    Originally intended for release in the early 90s, Putty Squad features old-skool gameplay and frenetic action that showcases the creativity the Amiga platform was renowned for, in it’s unique and unaltered glory. While Putty Squad is available for current and next-generation consoles and is a re-imagining of a classic game, The Amiga version released today on Christmas Eve, 2013 is the original code base, making Putty Squad for the Amiga the most authentic Putty experience available.

    Download: Putty Squad for Amiga
    View: Putty Squad Release on the System 3 Website

    Attached Files:

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