Reduced free space after uninstallation

Discussion in 'Console Help Center' started by 37286495, Jan 7, 2024.

  1. 37286495

    37286495 Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    After deleting Dragon Age Inquisition installation data from the internal hard drive I noticed that the remaining free space is reduced by 50MB!
    I would like to know how to get them back ?
    My console is RGH.
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    What did you delete the files with? certain PC tools like Xplorer 360 don't seem to re allocate the space after deleting things I found.

    Deleting content via the stock 360 dashboard or over FTP with Freestyle Dash generally worked without issue for me. I only used the PC tools for extracting or injecting content.

    As to how to get the space back, unfortunately formatting the hard drive on the 360's dashboard is what I historically did to fix the issue (backing up anything you care about first). You could try turning the 360 off / on then check the space again first though.

    FATXplorer might also be able to re allocate the space, I've not used it in a long while, however its the only tool i'm aware of that is still been developed today.
  3. 37286495

    37286495 Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    I deleted the content packs via NEX Dashboard.
    I checked with Freestyle if there were any undeleted files left but there were none.
    I'm not using any PC tools or FTP.
    I find it strange though because the internal hard drive has only Game, Hdd1, Freestyle and Dashlaunch folders. No games, no saves, no title updates! I even cleared the system cache!
    so I wonder out of curiosity what occupies the lost space?!
  4. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Have you been the one to use the hard drive since it was last formatted, or is it a drive purchased on Ebay for example?

    That is a strange one from what you have said, if I had to speculate its possible the partition on the hard drive is corrupted in some way, however I really wouldn't like to say for sure.

    I've only ever experienced this once and that was about 14 years ago now, as mentioned above. Using the NXE Dashboard has always been my preferred way to delete content, so its hard to speculate where something has gone wrong.
  5. 37286495

    37286495 Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    The hard drive I'm always used is the official hard drive purchased with the console.
    I only use it to play by transferring games from the PC or installing them from the burned disc.
    I mainly play via NXE Dashboard except for multi-disk games which I run with Freestyle for the autoswap.
    I've never played online or on emulators, or run original Xbox games on it.
    I see here ( ) that GoD games take up more or less space on the console's internal hard drive in addition to the package folder size.
    So I would like to know what this plus represents? And is it possible to locate and delete them manually via Freestyle?
  6. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    You are reading 15 year old information there. When it was first possible to install 360 games to the hard drive the process would essentially copy across data that was used to pad the DVD out for better read performance, when playing the game from a hard drive this data was not required. So the update only installed the game data, saving a lot of space on some smaller games such as Raiden Fighter Aces. Their is nothing to locate and delete. If you had installed your games 15 years ago, you could delete them and install them again and they would take up less space.
  7. 37286495

    37286495 Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    I don't have any games installed that date back to that time. I admit that I don't understand anything, especially since I just had the same problem with Watch Dogs.
    When I installed disk 2 (mandatory install data), I noticed via Fresstyle the creation of two files:
    Hdd1/Content/0000000000000000/555308B7/00000001/installation1 3.2 GB
    Hdd1/Content/0000000000000000/555308B7/00000001/installation2 3.6 GB
    But after deleting them, the free hard disk space was reduced (again) by 100mB!
    Besides, folder 00000001 is used to contain backups? Am I wrong?!
  8. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Best advice I can give you is to format your internal hard drive, backing up anything important before you do.

    Hopefully that should resolve the issue of space not been freed up when files are deleted.
  9. 37286495

    37286495 Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    I prefer not to format it in case a partition is corrupted which could make it unusable!
    Otherwise thank you for all your answers and support.

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